29 Aralık 2004 Çarşamba

The Vatican: Wrong Again

In yet one more embarassing slip for the Vatican, they've stepped out and criticized Israel for not helping Sri Lanka, apparently because according to Vatican officials the Israelies are unwilling to help those of other faiths. There's just one problem about the Vatican's most recent rant, it isn't correct. As a matter of fact, Israel has already sent aid and manpower to Sri Lanka to help. As far as I can tell, that's more than what the Vatican has done. How about sending some of those Papal Guard units over to help? I doubt the Pope's life is in danger from any attack within Vatican city. As much as I respect Catholics, I have to again say that this Papacy and the politicians running it have become a total disgrace to everything good about Catholicism. They allow priests to molest children without sufficient punishment, they support murderous regimes, and they've blurred the distinction between evil and good. A new Pope, and a new administration can't come soon enough.

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