3 Ekim 2008 Cuma

House passes Bailout Bill 2

The House bails us out... which must be why my wallet suddenly feels so empty. Here is hoping we can undo the damage that the "bailout bill" will do as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, you can assume incumbents will NOT fare well with me in the Fall.

4 yorum:

  1. All incumbents or just those in the house / senate?

  2. Well, there won't be one for the White House, so... I am thinking all of them. Unless you mean about state offices, which I will deal with on an individual basis.

  3. Yeah, was thinking more state offices. We don't have any incumbents at the federal level that we can vote for, though my county has been pretty conservative in the past, so we had a decent guy there. I'm excited about the one guy running though, Tom McClintock, because he is VERY fiscally conservative. What we need now is fiscally conservative business men / economists to help us out of this mess.

  4. Gotta love it... the bill fails... the market tanks... "oh no, see what you did! you better vote for it next time!" They pass it... the market tanks (though not as much).


    Anyone for doing a John Galt?
