7 Temmuz 2005 Perşembe

Fun With DU!

I owe this one completely to John Hawkins. The DU response to the British bombings. You can find gems like this one,
Is what we are doing terrorism? I reject any assertion that we have the moral high ground here. We might have held that position on 9/12/2001 but we have long since demonstrated that we are just as depraved as the jihadist suicide bombers, just as willing to kill civilians, just as willing to cause wanton destruction to advance our cause, and to do so all the while claiming that God is on our side. I see no major differences.
And let's not forget who it is that we really need to be afraid off...
That was not meant to be insensitive. This is something you would not wish on anybody. My point is I hope this is not the start of something bigger. Give Bush an excuse to turn America into a full-on dictatorship. Bush, Cheney, and Rove know they are in deep trouble. What better way to stay in power than create chaos. I don't like the feel of this one bit!
Yes, terrorists kill scores of innocent bystandarders and the DU crowd still can't get its ire up as much at OBL as they can at President Bush.

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