FactCheck.Org (not .Com as popularized by VP Cheney) has up their choices of the worst lies in political ads of 2004. Some of these are on the level of "a certain point of view." (Thank you, Obi-Wan Kenobi's ghost for that bit of wisdom.) But still, it has to make you wonder why no campaign can manage to get elected witout simple truths in simple ways. But maybe it is a simple result of human nature. Fundamentally, we don't want to see our opponents as nice guys worth of a fair hearing, we want to think of them as evil or stupid or deceptive. Yet in most cases, aside from OBL and the butcher of Baghdad, our opponents are just people who see the world differently.
Wow, I feel all warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. Oops! I just forgot to shave!
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