Quizwedge mentioned earlier the game of cat and mouse that Iran has been playing with Europe over its nuclear developments. Even days it says it will abide, and odd days it says it will resist to its last breath. Well, today must be an even day, because Iran has agreed to IAEA monitoring of their centrifuges. For those hazy on the details of building a nuclear bomb. After you have produced the uranium hexaflouride gas (which Iran did prior to the deadline in violation of the agreement) you have to use centrifuges to produce enriched uranium from the gas. Then you can put the enriched uranium into a proper recepticle, surround it with explosive lenses, and yada yada yada you have a nuke.
Europe is hailing this as a major diplomatic breakthru. Probably mostly because they have no choice. With the invasion of Iraq tying up U.S. and British forces, it would be impractical to invade Iran to enfore this agreement. An invasion would cause Iran to further aid Shiite insurgents in Iraq and destabilize an already powder-keg-like region. As of now, the agreement is that the IAEA will not seal the centifuges, but will monitor them with cameras. Here's hoping the IAEA puts those pictures up as a webcam, because otherwise it will be child's play to fool them and produce enriched uranium anyway.
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