Ward can tell you that I am not usually one to say "I told you so." But it has been confirmed that there will be a recount in Ohio. Of course, it is being pushed by the Libertarian and Green Party candidates, because the Democratic candidates don't want to be seen as trying to turn Ohio into Florida. But surrogates don't make it any less your idea, and your goal. Hopefully, the media will let this one go on its own, and not second-guess or provide round-the-clock recount watches on the 24 hour news channels. Then again, to quote a certain princess, "The more you tighten your grip, the more [counties] slip thru your fingers."
But then again, John Kerry is apparently holding out hope despite all logic, "...Kerry was asked by the Fox News affiliate in Boston about running again in 2008 and reminded the questioner that Ohio is still counting votes from 2004."
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