Following closely on the heels of Bill Clinton's move to the hospital for bypass surgery, it is now being reported that Mrs. Kerry was whisked to the hospital yesterday. It appears that Mrs. Kerry was simply suffering from some imbalance in her medications, and was released the same day. Still my prayers are with her for a speedy recovery and recurrence of the symptoms. After all, we know a presidential campaign is grueling for everyone involved.
But am I the only person starting to think this is all a little overly symbolic? First, we hear that Bush got a 10+ point bounce out of his convention. Then we see the man who stands for the New Democrat fall to a weakened heart. Then we see Senator Kerry's better half fall to another medical malady. It seems almost like the weakness and wobblyness of the Democratic Party and the Kerry Campaign are being lived out before us!
Then again, maybe "All of life is a metaphor" should only be followed when writing a story, not living one.
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