By far the worst speaker of the night. He was condescending, smug, and a parody. He's a tool (in every sense of the word) to the left now. The only reason he spoke was because of his name. Never mind that he voted for Nader in the last election and he refused to attend the naval display last week with his mother because he saw the ship as "a weapon of mass destruction."
The worst part of the whole affair was his insulting tone to those who have a different view. Not everyone who disagrees with a liberal is playing politics, nor do they have "axes to grind." To claim so is naive and stupid. President Clinton had the opportunity to open government money for stem cell research and refused. President Bush had the opportunity to do so and allowed money to go toward research. Who's got the axe to grind again? He also implied that the miracle cure was right around the corner. That is, of course, a lie. The research has only just begun and we are barely into the infancy stage of this study. Yet, already there is considerable research to show that embryonic stem cells are not only not as useful as originally thought, but also fraught with danger. Every test rodent injected with these cells has developed cancer, as opposed to no cancer among those injected with adult stem cells.
Ron Reagan; clown, tool, and liar. How proud your dad would be. (Insert sarcasm)
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