28 Temmuz 2004 Çarşamba

Fisking Sullivan

As much as I have long respected Andrew Sullivan's writing, he's getting a bit out of control and frankly, dishonest. It's about time someone stopped walking around the pink elephant in the "conservative" room. Right Wing News rightfully tears him a new one. His continuing hypocrisy concerning the new bill working its way through the House is frustrating and reflects his true purpose,
"Follow me here: Sullivan is obsessed with gay marriage and stopping a Constitutional Amendment, right? Furthermore, he claims to believe that supporters of the Federal Marriage Amendment who think judges will impose gay marriage are wrong, that it's "very unlikely that such a thing will happen any time in the foreseeable future".

If that were true then would this bill not be the answer to Andrew Sullivan's dreams? DOMA or no DOMA, Sullivan says gay marriage isn't going to be forced down any state's throat by judges, right (well except in Massachusetts where it has already HAPPENED)? However, if this bill were to become the law of the land, it would take away the "primary argument" conservatives like me have used to make a case for a Federal Marriage Amendment, which would in effect make a Constitutional Amendment a dead issue.

Given all of that, you'd think Sullivan would be spending almost as much time on his blog talking up this bill as he does attacking Republicans, the Bush administration, and those all those devout Christians that he loathes so much."
Personally, as a Christian reading Sullivan (a Catholic) I've grown increasingly disgusted with his bigotry and slander. He has had the reverse effect on me from what he is seeking. Instead of encouraging me to support gay rights even further, he is making me question just how honest the gay community is being and rather I can really support them as much as I have in the past. From the rumblings I'm hearing, I don't think I'm the only one.

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