Some Wyoming paper is reporting that anyone who sought to attend a recent Dick Cheney speech were required to sign an oath pledging to endorse President Bush. Apparently, the Bush camp got advanced word that ACT (Americans Coming Together, a Pro-Kerry activist group) had a protest planned to disrupt the event, and hoped to use the pledge to keep protesters out.
This is just downright wacko! You should never need to sign any indication of your political views in order to hear a public official speak at a public event. I realize there are security concerns and that one wants to control a venue for maximum political advantage, but this sounds like something they would have done in Soviet Russia.
Wake up, Bush/Cheney camp! I have been a supporter since 2000, and still plan to vote for the ticket in 2004. But between Mr. Cheney's f-word on the Senate floor, and this 1984-esque loyalty oast, I am starting to wonder if the #2 man in the Executive Office is really mentally fit to serve. Or is that really the key? Maybe, Mr. Cheney does not want to stay in the veep office, but will not step down unless asked by Bush? Either way, this weirdness needs to end as soon as possible.
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