24 Ağustos 2004 Salı

So Far, "Elektra" Not So Complex

Aint It Cool News has a link up to a promotional clip from the new Jennifer Garner movie "Elektra." The clip is pretty cool and implies that this franchise might be somewhat better than the one that spawned it (Daredevil with Ben Affleck). Then again, Ms. Garner was easily the best thing about that movie - even considering the big-name actors playing every other role.

Elektra was not a big character when I was reading comics (late 80s, early 90s) so I am not exactly sure what to expect from this one. But it looks so far like a showcase of martial arts and obscure weapons in use by a beautiful woman. I can think of worse excuses for a big summer movie!

Usual warning for the feint of heart: AICN has an unmoderated comments system which is prettu much guaranteed to have inappropriate language on this one. Keep away from the Talkbacks, though, and you should be fine.

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