29 Haziran 2004 Salı

Genocide in Sudan: Finally Some Action

Fox News is reporting that the U.S.A. is finally taking some preliminary steps toward stopping the genocide going on in the Sudan. Current steps are basically diplomatic and seem woefully inadequate, but at least something is being done. For those not familiar with the situation, the people in the Darfur province are being hunted and persecuted by private miliaitas, sometimes with the tacit approval of the Sudanese government and sometimes with the outright funding of the government. These militias are looking to drive the native black-skinned peoples to extinction, so that the arab-descended majority in the country can seize control of the land, which contains vast oil deposits which could radically change the impoverished country's economic standing in the world. (As a bit of trivia, the NBA player Manute Bol is a member of one of the Southern tribes being persecuted.)

We need to be writing the White House and our congressmen to urge further action on this issue. Genocide is among the worst crimes possible in history, and we can not let this happen in our time!

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