31 Aralık 2007 Pazartesi

Is Barack Obama the portal to a post-racial U.S. society?

George Will's newest column analyzes the candidacy of Barack Obama and asks an important question. Is Obama's refusal to make his race a major issue in the primary a sign that American is ready to move to a new stage where race is simply no longer an issue? A true realization of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream? Will thinks he may be, even thought he abhors may of his politics.
So far, Obama is the Fred Astaire of politics -- graceful and elegant, with a surface so pleasing to the eye that it seems mistaken, even greedy, to demand depth. No one, however, would have given Astaire control of nuclear weapons, so attention must be paid to Obama's political as well as aesthetic qualities.
I must admit, similar thoughts are why in a Guiliani/Obama race, I would be more likely to vote for Obama... even though I am a definite Conservative. If either way I can't find a Pro-Life candidate, why not vote for the one who might address such a larger issue within American history? (I am sure if any of our regular commenter are out there, they'll tell me why.)

5 yorum:

  1. Is casting your vote for a racial issue more important than other ones such as defending our country, border security, etc?

  2. Racial prejudice and slavery are the great scar of our nation, and the great sin of our nation. Thus, while it should not be the ONLY issue to be considered, it should be a major consideration.

    And, I am not sure some GOP candidates are any closer to me on border security than Obama is.

  3. Obama is an interesting candidate because he doesn't he isn't an African-American. He IS black, but he has no american slavery in his past. There is a great deal of baggage that comes with the title, African-American.

  4. Voting for Obama because of the color of his skin is no different from voting for Hillary because she is a woman. It looks OK at first glance, but if the person is not the right one for the job, it is still a foolish, or worse, vote. And the cause you try to help can actually be hurt.

  5. When the Republicans put up a candidate that can actually do the job better and who actually seems like a better candidate, then we can talk. But with the current crop of candidates on the right, I see no harm in giving Obama at least some consideration.
