23 Nisan 2004 Cuma

Gorelick and the 9/11 Commission

It's ironic what happens when the 9/11 commission actually starts to make progress. As long as it was a Bush bashing contest, the far-left was having a ball, but that changed as soon as Ashcroft dropped his bombshell that it was none other than Jamie Gorelick who was largely responsible for the so-called "wall" between the CIA and FBI. Gorelick is, of course, on the commission. Ann Coulter (who must be read with a grain of salt, but her facts on this one are soild) details Ashcroft's disclosure here. In the meantime, some Republicans have come forward to say that Gorelick should testify before the commission. The Demoratic response? "The Republicans are playing politics." It's amazing how we can watch person after person testify and be put through the ringer for reasons that are obviously political but then when we come to one of the women who could be a real source of information, it's "political" to request her presence.

Gorelick practically spat venom when Rice refused to testify. After the agreement, Gorelick said that it was in the interest of fairness and truth that the National Security Advisor should testify. We've had other members of the CIA and FBI from the Clinton years testify, why should Gorelick be exempted, especially if she has inside knowledge? She was clearly in more of a position to know what was happening than many that we have heard from. If the commission is truly going to be fair, then I think we need to badger Gorelick into testifying the same way that she and others badgered Rice into it.

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