5 Mart 2009 Perşembe

They Love to Hate Limbaugh

It has been amusing to see the nearly endless tirade of commentators criticizing Rush Limbaugh for his comments since the beginning of the Obama presidency. There has been considerably glee in dwelling on his physical form, his quirks, his speech mannerisms, and his ego. And he has enjoyed every second of the attention, watching as his listenership goes up and up.

If you are one of those on the Right or the Left engaged in either defense or attack on Limbaugh, I have to remind you of something: IT DOESN'T MATTER. The radio personality is taking part in an age-old practice of warfare: "Drawing fire." In the aftermath of George W Bush and Barack Obama, the Republican Party is in disarray with no clear leader. The Democratic Party has been taking their time targetting potential leaders - John McCain, Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal - and was scoring some hits. Now, Limbaugh has raised his own profile and suddenly is drawing 99% of the attacks. And the GOP has time to reorganize and establish a new leader with suddenly less scrutiny.

If you enjoy the Rushathon on CNN, FoxNews, etc. right now, go ahead. But don't be decieved as to what is happening. This is no power play by the radio host. It is a strategic move to defend his party.

6 yorum:

  1. I'm not sure that what Rush is doing is that ingenious. It seems to me that he's doing the same thing he's always done, it's just now people are more aware of it since the right is in the minority. Rush is drawing attention to himself. There's nothing to see here - move along now.

  2. The Democrats started it by naming Rush the voice of the Republican party. He is just enjoying it and reaping the benefits.

    Maybe the Democrats will get some of the radio time they wanted with the "fairness doctrine", if they accept the invites to square off with some of the conservatives. ;-)

    I'm enjoying it all!

  3. "Started it?" I think that is pretty much a fallacy. The beginning appears to have been when some paper asked Limbaugh what his hopes were for the new president. He said "I hope he fails." The triggered Democratic ire, and negative polling numbers for Rush. And since then the Dems are working hard to make Limbaugh the new Newt Gingrich - the image of all that is WRONG in the Republican party.

    Overall, I don't think figuring out "who started it" is any more useful in politics than when a couple of 2-year-olds are fighting. Except the 2-years-olds tend to be nicer.

  4. I should clarify. I don't think Rush is "What is wrong with the party." My point is that Democratic focus on Rush is simply playing into the hands of the GOP, long term, by allowing other people time to consolidate their positions while under the media radar.

  5. Black helicopters fly again. I would think that common sense would lead most people to understand that Limbaugh is a radio personality/ entertainer and not the voice of the republicans. Limbaugh is just an easy target compared with say McCain or other the republicans. It’s simpler than you would suggest. Obama promised to try and work with the republicans and he and the democrats are stuck with that. Besides on fence issues even with a majority they will need republican votes. You forget the democrats are not a solid voting-block. There is a centrist wing and the liberal wings. Neither are the republicans. They also have a centrist wing. This country for all the hype about the republicans parties death this is a centrist to conservative voting country. Piss of the centrist and if history is any guide you could have a lot of democrats looking for jobs in two or four years.

  6. Rush stressed that he wants the far-left POLICIES of Obama to fail.
