31 Mart 2009 Salı

Everyone said it couldn't happen...

...but Rep. Barney Frank is trying to make it a reality.


He wants the right to regulate the pay of ALL EMPLOYEES of ANY company who received government funds. This means that Washington, D.C. could set the salaries, benefits, bonuses, and perks for virtually every bank in the country. Plus, presumably, the auto makers and other companies currently begging for bailout money. The bill would be retroactive, so everyone who has ever accepted a penny would be covered.

Who says they can't pass an Ex Post Facto law? The Constitution? Silly rabbit.

5 yorum:

  1. 'Atlas Shrugged' knocking at the door again.

  2. OH MY FRICKN' GOD! This is horrible. How many companies have taken government money at some point. I generally balk at people calling American liberals socialists, but this is probably the closest I've ever seen it being true here. This bill cannot pass and I certainly hope that cooler heads will prevail in Washington.

  3. Ha ha! The funny part is that people from Massachusetts keep voting for him.

    (Announcer):This product is a quaint complement to Ted Kennedy along with a side of John Kerry.

  4. I think the tax payers should set Barney Frank's salary and benefits.

  5. Question... if the POTUS can decide what a company can do because it took stimulus money, can they also decide what a state can do because it took stimulus money?
