7 Ocak 2008 Pazartesi

HD-DVD to go Betamax

The debates have been raging for some time now about which format would win the HD video format battle and it now appears that BluRay has won. Today Warner Bros. announced that they were supporting BluRay. I believe that means that all of the major studios have gone with BluRay and thus HD-DVD doesn't have much of a chance to win out. Though as the article points out, other delivery options are on the very close horizon, so going out and buying that BluRay player might not be the most prudent use of your funds.

2 yorum:

  1. Check this out... http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssConsumerGoodsAndRetailNews/idUST20151820080108

    So it seems that you are right. On with Blu-Ray!

    For those that don't want to check it out... Paramount was the only studio to go exclusive with HD-DVD, but they had a clause in the contract that said if Warners went with Blu-Ray they could opt out... which I guess they are going to do.

    I will wait till players are much cheaper, and the DVD's are cheaper as well. Like you say, other delivery options are coming soon...

  2. I remain by my prediction that in the end neither BluRay nor HD-DVD will be the winner. Only videophiles right now really are seeing the difference between HD and upconverted DVDs. There are several other competing formats around the corner which actually provide new functionality and more capacity, without having to pay Sony a fortune in licenses.
