25 Ocak 2008 Cuma

Happy Birthday Quizwedge

5 yorum:

  1. Happy birthday, Wedge! May today be 24 hours of joy and celebration, and may this next year be one of contentment and warmth.

  2. Many Happy Returns! Forgot it was your B-Day yesterday when I spoke to you...

  3. Thanks. No worries, at 27, I'm feeling "old", so haven't said much about it being my bday. :) Of course, I realize that I'm still the baby of Mod-Blog. :)

  4. So, Wedge, are you going to the dogs? Or are the dogs coming to you?

    Happy Birthday and may the next year be a great one for you and Mrs. Wedge.

    With love....

  5. Thanks... getting older, so probably going to the dogs. :)
