30 Ocak 2008 Çarşamba

Edwards is out!

CNN is reporting that presidential candidate and persistent 5% of the votes-getter John Edwards is going to exit the race today. He is not expected to endorse anyone.


This will finally bring down the Democratic contest to a two-person race (sorry, Mike Gravel, you don't count), and may make Super Tuesday provide us with a more clear outcome. We appear to be down to 2 on both sides now (John MCain and Mitt Romney, sorry Ron Paul) which is likely to polarize the parties and start people focussing on the general election.

2 yorum:

  1. Anyone else think Edwards already has a deal worked out with Obama for a cabinet position if he wins?

  2. i don't think that's outside of the realm of possibility. though it would be more convincing if edwards had endorsed obama
