7 Mart 2006 Salı

Wow, talk about "hard cases"!

I had heard general info about this case in Britain before, but never the whole story. A woman and her husband had IVF done to combine her eggs with his sperm prior to cancer treatment. They knew that the treatment would render her sterile, and wanted a chance to have a family afterwards. Then, after treatment was done, they divorced and the husband withdrew his consent to use the embryos. She sued, because she wanted to have a baby.

The British Supreme Court has just ruled that the husband is NOT violating any of her rights by withdrawing consent. She plans to take it to the EU "Grand Chamber" (kind of a EU Supreme Court) to appeal for the ruling to be overturned.

This is a hard case. On the one hand, I believe that life begins at conception, so the embryos are already living beings, and I do not want to see them destroyed. On the other hand, I do believe that the father should have say in whether children are produced... especially since under British Law he would have specific responsibilties to these children. I guess this is a case against IVF, because of the moral problems it raises. But either way, you have to feel for them both.

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