31 Mart 2006 Cuma


April 1 - April Fools Day - has become somewhat of a metacultural event on the Internet. Blogs and even legitamate news organizations take it upon themselves to try and pass off the most outrageous lies as news for a day, in order to "have some fun" with the old holiday. I hate this tradition, and the always-increasing influx of new "residents" of the web means that every year many innocents are taken in by these well-documented lies. In protest, therefore, I will not be posting ANYTHING to Mod-Blog, and probably nothing to the Internet in general on April Fools Day. I encourage the other Mod-Bloggers to follow suit, though I in no way want to restrict their freedom. If hits-per-day drops off around these kinds of stupid stunts, maybe the major bloggers will get the point and stop posting stupidity when there is real news to talk about.

Feel free to spend today telling me in the comments or Shoutbox what a fool I am showing myself to be with this manifesto. ;-)

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