1 Kasım 2005 Salı

What is your opinion of Halloween?

On the topic of Halloween, I am interested to know the opinion of those who post on this Blog (and read it and post comments). Specifically, on the question of whether Christians should celebrate Halloween.

The "NO" argument goes thusly. Halloween is an overtly pagan holiday, with arguably satanic origins. It was based on pre-existing holidays in pagan cultures (i.e. the "Day of the Dead" in Latin American countries), and is centered on either (1) celebrating demonic powers or (2) paying homage to the power of ancestral spirits (ghosts) who will otherwise rise to walk among us. That it has been co-oped by the candy manufacturers in no way redeems the fact that the holiday exists to celebrate either paganism or spiritism, both of which are contrary to fundamental christian doctrine.

The "YES" argument goes thusly. Halloween may have its origins in paganism, but its modern incarnation is merely a celebration of children and the fact that fear can sometimes be fun. Dressing up the kids as Power Rangers is hardly "celebrating spiritism" and even if one chose to dress up as a "supernatural" being like a ghost or werewolf, the anti-Christian portion is expunged by the fact moderns understand these things to be mythological in nature. It is a fun holiday for the children, and is no offense to an all-powerful God.

Obviously, I have simplified the arguments for the sake of space, but I think I did both of them reasonable justice. My own opinion pretty much straddles the fence: I hate Halloween personally and will not celebrate it, but do not feel that those who do so are doing anything wrong. I find the holiday disturbing and upsetting, but believe this to be something between me and God rather than between me and my brothers in Christ.

What do you think?

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