Maureen Dowd's new book appears to have stirred up a hornet's nest, especially when the New York Times printed an excerpt which apparently is one of their most popular e-articles of all time. Essentially, it asks the question why Post-Feminist women are returning to more feminine roles, clothing, and attitudes just at the time when they are seeing their power at its height. She then goes on (in a Swiftian parody of overstatement) to ask whether Men are even needed in an age where cloning could allow women to bypass the Y chomosome for reproduction. (Especially since current cloning techniques require an egg, which means men still need women.)
Maureen Dowd is a good writer, but has never been known for pulling punches on her favorite subject. The attached CNN article shows that the majority of responses to her book appear to be negative. But it is nice to see these issues being talked about again.
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