Despite heavy threats from terrorists and a call for a Sunni boycott, it appears that Iraqi Constituion got a passing vote by all but two provinces in Iraq. Of course, this is in a nation without much in the way of electronic or automated voting, so it will be some time until the final tally is in. But it required three provinces to reject the Constituion by 2/3 majorities in order to stop it from becoming the law o the land. And it appears even in the provinces where it was defeated, that the 2/3 may not be reached.
This is a good sign for the Bush administration, who had pegged most of its exit strategy on a Constitution before January. It still remains to be seen if a government "of the people, by the people, for the people" cuts down on the violence. But it seems likely. And perhaps more important, it seems like that this will signal to reformers in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere that democracy can work in an Islamic nation.
Is this the beginning of a Middle Eastern revolution?
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