31 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi
Exercise mood-lift can last 12 hours
30 Ekim 2009 Cuma
Is parking key to expanding bicycling?
BBC: Recession Has Ended
The US economy grew at an annual pace of 3.5% between July and September, its first expansion in more than a year.Here's hoping they are right. I have a lot of friends and family members who could use an improved economy. Then again, it may be a while between the first small improvements and an economy that produces jobs for most of us.
The growth was helped by a substantial government spending plan, including a scheme to boost car sales.
The official figures indicate recession has ended, but some economists think there could be further setbacks...
The return to growth of the world's largest economy also sent shares on Wall Street sharply higher. The main Dow Jones index closed up 200 points, or 2.1%, at 9,962.58.
29 Ekim 2009 Perşembe
How can you NOT love it?
File this under "Brilliant or Evil Genius"
Blame Your Parents for Your Bad Driving
Perspective is Important
28 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba
That sound you're hearing is the screams from Garmin and TomTom
ReRead History
27 Ekim 2009 Salı
Go Vegitarian or Don't Go at All
"On average, a British person eats 50g of protein derived from meat each day — the equivalent of a chicken breast or a lamb chop. This is a relatively low level for a wealthy country but between 25 per cent and 50 per cent higher than the amount recommended by the World Health Organisation."
26 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi
RIP GeoCities
25 Ekim 2009 Pazar
24 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi
Biking Update - October 24, 2009
On-Star the Crime Fighter
23 Ekim 2009 Cuma
Someday is coming...
22 Ekim 2009 Perşembe
Stimulus produced net job loss
But that being said, it may be time to start drawing tentative conclusions about President Obama's Economic Stimulus Bill, as actual job totals by state now show that 49 out of 50 states have fewer jobs now than before the stimulus passes, and - more significantly - net job losses where the White House's projections predicted job gains. This means either (1) the economy was overall weaker than expected, so the stimulus effect was negligible, or (2) the stimulus was ineffective and may have caused more harm than good.
That being said, the American people clearly wanted a stimulus bill at the time, so we can't claim that we didn't get what we asked for. But one must wonder if the current rumblings about a "second stimulus bill" will help or hurt us in the end.
21 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba
Good News/Bad News on H1N1/Swine Flu
The bad news: People have been told if they had H1N1/Swine Flu that they do not need the vaccine, because they are already immune. But many who were told they had it, did not and may be avoiding life-saving or epidemic-controlling treatments.
Expect there to be a lot of talk about this news, as it appears the CDC's efforts to keep people informed really made them increasingly misinformed.
20 Ekim 2009 Salı
B&N Nook to challenge Amazon Kindle
The Nook has one gee-whiz technology in a small multi-touch screen instead of the Kindle's keyboard. But what may be really revolutionary (and easy for Kindle to copy) is the ability to "borrow" a book from a friend with a Nook. This would eliminate one of the main remaining reasons to stay away from eBooks - the forced re-buying of titles for every reader.
Bill Maher, Unhinged
Posting Calorie Counts does NOT encourage better eating habits
It found that about half the customers noticed the calorie counts, which were prominently posted on menu boards. About 28 percent of those who noticed them said the information had influenced their ordering, and 9 out of 10 of those said they had made healthier choices as a result.This speaks poorly for human nature, and even worse for well-meaning policies. It may go to show that you can not mandate better behavior, without doing away with liberty. And I'd rather have liberty and obesity, than have neither.
But when the researchers checked receipts afterward, they found that people had, in fact, ordered slightly more calories than the typical customer had before the labeling law went into effect, in July 2008.
19 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi
Mmm... Foosball with Gumballs
Droid - The Reality behind the 'iDon't" Commerials
It appears that this phone is real, not just another Verizon vaporware phone, and is running Google Android 2.0. Allegedly, the Droid was co-designed by Google, Verizon, and Motorola and is intended to replace the Blackberry Storm as Verizon's flagship smartphone for the 2009 holiday season. And Boy Genius Report has pictures.
The real question is whether Apple has any reason to be worried. The phrase "iPhone Killer" has been thrown about so much - and to so little effect - that it is nearly meaningless at this point. The Palm Pre is the only phone to come close in terms of original thought and usability, and its relationship with Sprint the anemic Palm have held it back from really taking off. And Verizon has a long history of hyping phones, and then killing them off with horrible execution and upgrade policies. Still, a thriving competition in the smartphone space would keep Apple honest, and be good for consumers overall. I hope Droid is better than history would predict.
18 Ekim 2009 Pazar
Bowhunter must weep at this one
For those unfamiliar with the law in CT, Bowhunters - unlike firearms hunters - are allowed to hunt near residential properties. An arrow flies such a short distance (and standard bowhunting technique is to shoot DOWN at a deer, further shortening the distance the arrow can fly) that there are few worries about friendly fire. The hunter, after making a hit, is expected to follow the wounded deer until they can painlessly euthanize it. If the path takes them across private property, they are required to secure the permission of the landowner before following the trail across that property.
In this case, the deer died on private property. The hunters then came to the home-owner to request permission, and were denied it. The carcass is there, rotting, to this day. The homeowners view it as "a crime scene" and are hoping a natural predator comes along to eat it.
I can't help wondering whether it is logical to prefer a large predator like a wolf, coyote, or mountain lion in one's yard, over a human hunter who has to answer to legal authorities.
17 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi
Biking Update - October 17, 2009
No real biking this week due to horrible weather (rain and snow, believe it or not). Hoping to ride in the attic every night, and hopefully actually get back out on the roads, too.
16 Ekim 2009 Cuma
Moscow Mayor - Ban Snow from the City
Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov is taking it one step further by proposing using the Russian Air Force to stop any snow from falling onto the capital city. The idea is that the air force can seed clouds outside the city to force snowfall there instead.
“What if we force this snow to fall beyond Moscow? The Moscow region will have more water, bigger harvests, while we will have less snow,” he said at an award ceremony for Moscow’s best-kept yard.The idea has a certain panache. But one can't help wondering what unintended consequences this may lead to. Specifically, I wonder what the villagers in the suburbs of Moscow thing of being purposely covered by artificial blizzards.
He said that using the Air Force to prevent massive snowfall would be three times cheaper than using the regular system of trucks and snow-melting stations.
The city approved the proposal in record time.
A spokesman at the public utilities department could not explain how a “big and serious snowfall” would be identified or be deemed worthy of deploying the Air Force.
“The mayor has said it will only be a couple of times per winter,” he said, without further explanation. The department declined to provide information on how much the city budget allocates to cleaning and processing snow.
15 Ekim 2009 Perşembe
Sidekick Debacle is now a Class Action Lawsuit
For those who may not remember, if you were a happy SmartPhone user in the days before the iPhone - and were not a Crackberry addict - odds are you used a T-Mobile Sidekick (a.k.a. Danger HipTop). This device was a beautifully-designed (albeit somewhat chunky) phone built from the ground up for e-mail, web browsing, and instant messaging. At a time when people were debating how many characters should be displayed on a black-and-white text-only "mobile website", the Sidekick was rendering CNN in full-color with graphics. And all data synced effortlessly with online servers from which users could view all the info as easily as MobileMe is today, or could download data to Outlook. I owned a Sidekick II and III, and loved them both as they kept me connected places that broadband and even dial-up could not reach. I only left the line when the iPhone came out.
This past year, Microsoft - in an attempt to salvage its failing Windows Mobile/Windows Phone/Windows CE line of phones - bought out Danger and took ownership of the whole system which they transformed into "Project Pink". This past week, Microsoft attempted to do a basic upgrade of their storage system for the online data services which failed catastrophically. And apparently, they had failed to do regular backups, so there was no fallback position. Critical customer data was lost, and T-Mobile was forced to advise Sidekick owners "not to turn off your phones" lest the data be lost forever. This one event has likely doomed the Sidekick and Project Pink forever, and cast a shadow over "Cloud Computing" for the future.
Now, T-Mobile is being sued for the data loss in to separate class-action lawsuits. Look for this to quickly be followed up by lawsuits by T-Mobile against Mocrosoft, and perhaps by Microsoft against the people who sold them Danger. This is going to be a messy blame game for all involved.
Rest in Peace, Sidekick. You'll be sorely missed.
UPDATE 2:45 PM: Microsoft now claims all data has been recovered. Here's hoping they are right.
Human Nature is perplexing, disgusting
By the time employees realized Brown didn't have any cash to pay, police said, she already had taken off in the limo.So, person A wrong me, and I feel this gives me the right to take vengeance upon person B. Is it any mystery why this world is so messed up?!
That's when angry customers, realizing they weren't getting free coats, began throwing merchandise on the floor and grabbing clothes without paying for them, Nace said.
"Everybody was like, 'I still want my free stuff,' and that started the riot," he said. "It looks like (Hurricane) Katrina went through the store."
Police said they have no way of tracking down the customers who stole items and fled, but they're reviewing surveillance video.
This should also be a cautionary tale for legislators looking to reform Health Care. Remember, people may not thank you for your efforts. In fact, it is likely no matter what you do, they will feel cheated out of the "free stuff" they feel they were promised.
14 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba
Olympia Snowe on Congressional Attitudes
I think for so long the art of legislating has been lost here in Congress and it’s all about just moving it along on the fast track, and I think that unfortunately the big issues have been set aside.I think this hits the nail on the head about a major problem with the current Congress. Rather than taking on an issue, having a full public hearing and debate, and then a vote, everything in the "Democratic One Party Congress" is rushed through. This has lead to cases where Congresspeople of both sides are required to vote on multi-thousand-page legislation without any time to read it. And has allowed no opportunities for bipartisanship.
Listen to Senator Snowe, Democrats. A Congress without time to do it right is a Congress who can accomplish nothing, except for things they will regret later. "Anything now" is not better than "the right thing later".
Toronto seeks to enforce bicycle licensing
13 Ekim 2009 Salı
12 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi
H1N1 (Swine) Flu self assessment
However, there is help! If you are afraid that you may have H1N1 (swine) flu, then Emory University offers this online self-assessment. It is admittedly not a replacement for seeing your doctor. But it may help to preserve your sanity the next time you have the sniffles..
11 Ekim 2009 Pazar
Peace Prize Judo
Soup Cycle?
Foliage Ninja?
10 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi
Changing Behavior thru Fun
Biking Update - October 9, 2009
9 Ekim 2009 Cuma
President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Price for... what exactly?
The committee said it attached special importance to Obama's vision of, and work for, a world without nuclear weapons.This seems awfully nebulous to me. Aren't Nobel Prizes supposed to recognize great achievements done by great men? President Obama may be judged as a "great man" someday, but it seems too early in his tenure to be sure now. It seems more like either (1) they had no other contenders, or (2) the Committee has decided the prize is simply a political tool to further their own agenda without regard to its intended use.
"Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play," the committee said.
New England Muscle Bike Museum
8 Ekim 2009 Perşembe
Government May Seize Pro Basketball Teams Uniforms and Plane
Daily Candy Intake Leads to Crime?
So, does this mean parents should ban sweets entirely?I am sure that we'll see a contradictory study soon sponsored by the Nestle corporation conducted in the vicinity of Hershey, PA.
Not necessarily, Moore said. A possible explanation for the candy-violence association is that giving children sweets and chocolate regularly may prevent them from learning to delay gratification. That, in turn, may encourage impulsivity, which is linked to delinquency.
"We think that it is more to do with the way that sweets are given to children rather than the sweets themselves," Moore said. "Using sweets to quiet noisy children might just reinforce problems for later in life."
7 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba
Has the honeymoon ended?
Idaho is already having Snow Days
Of course, I am just as happy that CT is still clear of snow when I wake up in the morning and have to face my work commute.
Bike to School Day
6 Ekim 2009 Salı
Electric Folding Bike
5 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi
The Importance of Principles in American Armies
I couldn't help think of this when reading this article on tensions between Afghanistan's commander and President Obama.
I want to warn my fellow Conservatives to be careful about taking too much joy in seeing the president struggle with one of his generals. While we want honest, frank men in such positions of authority, it is key that we also have men who understand the chain of command and that ultimately their commander in chief is the president. Even when they disagree with him, they must both obey orders *AND* make it clear to the men underneath them that it is never acceptable to undercut your commander.
Generals who do not understand this principle tend to be the ones who utlimately invoke that horrible word, "Coup", when they do not get their way.
Local Rail-Trails Are Safe and Fun
4 Ekim 2009 Pazar
Blutooth Headset for your Bike
3 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi
Folding bike helmet
In Defense of Full Body Scanners at Airports
Biking Update - October 3, 2009
And it surely did feel good to get back onto my bike for a change. It appears that tomorrow will be rained out, but I am hoping to ride again on Sunday once the storm is past. And if my back will return to "normal", I'll be able to get back on the stationary bike as well.