I am constantly amazed how every bike ride brings me to something new, even when I am going to the same old place. But it is less fun to see "new things" while revisiting the same old places on the weight graph. This week my weight started out great with the loss of several pounds, and then suddenly jumped up. I believe it was due to taking some allergy meds, as when I stopped taking them my weight went back down quickly. But I pretty much ended off the week where I started it. Which is still down about 5 pounds than before the last post.
The big "milestone" for this week biking-wise was our first trip to Captains Pizza for Guys Night Out as a group. I have been looking forward to this trip for a while, but it is uphill the whole way on a major street (Bridgeport Avenue) so we wanted to wait until I had built myself up cardiovascular-wise. The ride is about a mile, and we made it in only 15 minutes with only one stop to catch my breath. Not bad! And essentially the reason we first decided to buy the bikes.
Our big ride last weekend was almost two hours of riding by the Long Island Sound in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Bowhunter. It was a beautiful ride along the water and up along a number of streets in Stratford that I really had no idea existed before. We found a picturesque lighthouse run by the coastguard, saw a motorcycle driving school, and discovered a number of little communities built around the beaches. We'll definitely be back for that ride again.
Stay tuned for more updates, as we exploring biking, scenic Connecticut, and weight loss.
Keep up the good work. Weight does fluctuate from day to day, so don't get discouraged.
YanıtlaSilAlso, remember how much stronger you now are. Back, Legs, and even midsection are all effected by cycling. Way to go!
YanıtlaSilWay to go!
YanıtlaSilWHO IS that bearded man?
As if Quizwedge knows about weight problems! Still, his words are true.
Thanks... in CT I did pretty well controlling my weight, but upon moving to California I did gain a decent amount of weight during my bachelor years. With the help of my wife, I ended up losing about 40 to 50 pounds.
YanıtlaSilGrrr... Setback today. We drove up to the Trumbull trail, which has a pretty steep ramp to get up to it. Rather than walk the bike up, I tried to ride it up. I took the turn too sharp and wind up crossing up my limbs and and fell. The fall as not too bad itself - no broken skin, no broken bones - but I defied the fall too long and twisted my right knee. I can still walk on it, but after a few experiments decided a hard ride over unfamiliar terrain was not a good idea. Still hurts. I have a knee brace on it, and we saw WALL-E instead for a group activity (Mod-Blog review coming).
YanıtlaSilPlease be praying it heals quickly and I can be back on the bike soon. At the moment, it feels like it will be okay tomorrow for a slow ride over flat terrain, but you never know and I have a tendency to try to get back to things too soon and/or overdo them.