4 Mayıs 2007 Cuma

Republicans Take Center Stage

I watched about 1/3 to ½ of the Republican debate on MSNBC last night and recorded it for future viewing. This is my reaction to the parts that I saw.

Mitt Romney was the most presidential person on stage. He easily answered questions and moved the discussion to questions he wanted to answer without making it obvious. Rudy Giuliani seemed unprepared to answer the questions about abortion. You would have thought that he would have decided on how he wanted to explain his views by now knowing that this question would come up. He did alright other than that. John McCain didn’t seem Presidential to me. He is said to be great at speaking “off the cuff”, but all of his answers seemed too planned to play into his strengths. None of the next tier candidates did much to change my opinion of them. I would like to be able to say that Gov. Mike Huckabee did a great job, but he was just fine. I do think that the candidates that said that they support the Fair Tax (National Sales Tax) probably put themselves out of the race. Huckabee is one of the candidates who did this. This election will not be about changing the tax system (as much as some of us would like this to be a major issue.) This election is about Iraq, homeland security and national optimism. The major tax debate of this election cycle will be about making President Bush’s tax cuts permanent and extending the elimination of the “Death Tax” which goes to 0% in 2010 and back to 55% in 2011.

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