29 Ocak 2005 Cumartesi

Election Day Dawns in Iraq

That's right, it is already January 31 in Iraq and the first Election Day since the rise of Saddam Hussein is here. I don't know whether it will be a day of blood or a day of rejoicing or both. But I know what each side wants and we all know the stakes. Let's all be praying that:
  1. God provides protection for innocent Iraqis and American servicemen.
  2. The true will of the Iraqi people is expressed, even in the "Sunni Triangle."
  3. The choices of Iraqis will bring more peace and stability in the world, whether in the short or long term.
  4. Americans will be wise enough to realize that the "best" for Iraqis may not look like the best for America right away.
  5. God will raise of the right leaders and tear down the wrong ones.
  6. God will raise of an Iraqi George Washington to hold the nation together, and an Iraqi Thomas Jefferson to write an enduring Constitution.
Let us pray. A-men.

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