24 Ocak 2005 Pazartesi

Countdown to Ecological Armageddon???

Okay, I have put it off all day, but I guess I can't not blog this one. An "enterprising" group of scientists in England are warning that we are literally on a countdown to a Global Warming Disaster. Some say we have already passed the point of no return, others say it will be within 10 years. Apparently, a mean increase of two degrees centigrade (celsius, if you were in my chem class) will initiate a chain of events which will irreversibly change life on earth.

Does this remind anyone else of the Doomsday clock used to dramatize how close we all were to a Nuclear Armageddon? Last time I checked, that clock was actually moving backwards. But then, President Bush has not signed the Kyoto Protocol yet (over several parts that would penalize the USA economically, while exempting nations like China) and it is more important to get that treaty passed than to actually do good science, right? Right?!

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