18 Ekim 2004 Pazartesi

Retro vs. Metro: Who's Really Uptight?

Some of our readers might be familiar with the Retro vs. Metro site which is full of all sorts of stupid claims. One of their arguments is that the conservatives in this country are old hill-billy types who don't have fun.

But there's an interesting poll from ABC out today that reflects just how void the stereotypes are. The results? Republicans have better sex! Now, don't put too much stock in this, of course. But it's an interesting sociological look at the people who are Republicans and Democrats. The poll found that by 10% points, Republicans are more likely to be sexually satisfied and happy. They're also more likely to take steps to improve their sex lives. Democrats also fake "it" more often than Republicans.

While this poll isn't good for a whole lot, per se, it does bring up something that I've felt for a long time. That is simply put, liberals aren't much fun. Sure, there are some with a sense of humor and many that are really good people. But overall, they're the biggest bores and the biggest drag-me-downs. Liberals are convinced of three things. First, that they have the absolute best answers. Second, that no one else could possibly have thought of these answers without a liberal's help. And third, that they're the only ones who really care. These leave your average liberal pretty much in the same spot as your typical fundamentalist Christian. And believe me when I say, they're not much fun. Good people, but not much fun.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Democrats aren't as pleased with their sex lives. They're not pleased with hardly anything. They walk the land with a perpetual scowl, convinced that every person they meet is potentially "the enemy." Unless you accept their narrow ideology, then you are a threat to their way of life and you're just a "freeper" as they like to call anyone who disagrees with them. You're clearly with them or you're with "*" or "chimp" or whatever they're calling the President on any given day. You're a caring leftist or you're a Rovian demon sent from the underworld to wreak havoc on their otherwise perfect lives.

Gee, and they say that President Bush has too stark a view of good and evil?

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