I have not been browsing other Blogs to see if this is the name they are giving the "controversy", but after PocketGate, LumpGate, and the others, I would be shocked if this is not given the -Gate suffix by someone in the Kerry camp. Apparently, Dick Cheney got a flu shot. So? You ask. Well the Kerryites are charging that it is hypocritical for the VP to have a shot, when the administration is asking so many others to go without this year. Of course, a logical person (even intelligent and attentive canine) notes that they always add the caveat "unless you are in a high-risk group." I would say a man who has had multiple heart "episodes" would count as "high-risk" for the flu. Republicans are now noting that Bill Clinton, who is himself just recovering from heart surgery, also got a flu shot.
At least this one is not an argument over whether it was legal to use chapstick during the debate. But still, it will be nice when the campaign is over (and hopefully, my guy won) and we can get back to real "scandals". Not that I am saying I know anything. Not that I am saying I don't.
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