31 Ekim 2004 Pazar

Cheney: Kerry's Response to Terrorism - Polls

Posted without further comment.

"The thing that I find amazing about it is that John Kerry's first response was to go conduct a poll," Cheney told supporters in Fort Dodge, Iowa. "He went into the field ... to find out what he should say about this tape of Osama bin Laden."

"It's as though he doesn't know what he believes until he has to go and check the polls, his finger in the air, to see which way the wind is blowing and then he'll make a decision," said the vice president, who offered no evidence to back up his claim. "George Bush doesn't need a poll to know what he believes, especially about Osama bin Laden."

This one speaks for itself.

Friedman Endorses Bush... George H. W. Bush

Thomas Friedman was on hiatus from the New York Times for most of the election season, preparing his new book. It is nice having him back and reading his inspired prose.

In short, the elder Bush understood the importance of acting in the world - but acting wisely, with competence and preparation. His great weakness was his public diplomacy. He wrongly antagonized American Jews by challenging their right to lobby on behalf of Israel. He could have given more voice to the amazing liberation of humanity that the collapse of the Soviet Union represented and to the American anger over the Tiananmen Square massacre. Although, in his muted response to Tiananmen, the elder Bush kept China-U.S. relations from going totally off the rails, which kept China on a track to economic reform. Although he raised taxes, he never really explained himself. So his instincts were good, his mechanics were often flawless, but his words and music left you frustrated. Still, the legacy is a substantial one. Over time, historians will treat the elder Bush with respect.

I completely disagree on his final conclusion as to who is the proper heir to George H. W. Bush. But then, I am pretty sure George Bush 41 is pretty darn proud of 43, and sees him as his proper heir as well.

Campaign Finance Reform, Keeping Lawyers Employed in the 21st Century

Remember back when everyone (and by everyone, I mean pretty much just incumbent politicians) was calling for "Campaign Finance Reform" because the current method was allowing Big Business to promote who they liked, and was silencing the little man. In other words, the old system allegdly decided whose speech was important. Well, welcome to McCain-Feingold.

By criticizing Dreier's positions on immigration, promoting a "Fire Dreier" campaign and making on-air appeals for voters to elect Matthews, the NRCC said, the hosts gave Matthews an unlawful corporate, in-kind contribution of more than $25,000..."This behavior is illegal and must be appropriately punished," the NRCC charged, noting violation of the law carries a penalty of fines and jail time. The complaint echoes objections the Democratic Party made earlier this month when Sinclair Broadcasting Group Inc. prepared to pre-empt regular programming before Election Day to show a documentary critical of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. Campaign finance experts, however, said election law explicitly allows the media to make editorial comments -- whether it's Rush Limbaugh endorsing President George W. Bush, Al Franken backing Sen. John Kerry, or John and Ken pushing for Matthews.

Let's make this really simple. McCain-Feingold has changed nothing. It has simply made it harder for everyone to say anything, without getting sued for something. Free Speech trumps just about anything in our democracy (with the exception of lude behavior, usually) and no law should be viewed as suppressing the speech of media or private citizens. But that is the problem with these attempts to regulate financing of campaigns. It is an attempt to suppress speech for the people the incumbents dislike. Let's simply allow unlimited contributions, but require full disclosure in a way that can not be hidden behind such tricks as the ubiquitous 527s. Or is that too radical?

And that's the way it... probably is NOT

Remember when "news anchors" at least pretended to be neutral. Well, he is retired so I guess he is no longer committed to an ethic of reasonability, but Walter Cronkite appears to have lost all semblance of reasonability.

Somewhat smiling, Cronkite said he is "inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."

Sigh. Yeah. And the revelations about the HMX and DMX explosives that have turned on John Kerry to make him lose ground in key states was also a "plant." Can't anything these days not be the result of some kind of covert conspiracy?

30 Ekim 2004 Cumartesi

Ward's Delaware Reception

Well, the reception in Delware was great. A nice crowd came out for the occasion, including the Mayor of the town and the chief of police. Ward and Muse (the online nom de plume of Mrs. Ward) finally had their first "official" dance, and there was a great outpouring of love.

The happy couple has one more reception to enjoy in Illinois next week. However, the Nomad is finally calling quits on his busy travel schedule, and will not be out there. So you'll have to be satisfied with any pics that Ward manages to put up there... if any.

OK Now I Get It: OBL Learns from Michael Moore

The Drudge Report has up a transcript of one showing of the OBL video and now I understand what is going on. The Demon has finally been shown a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 and is trying to learn the language of Michael Moore. Gone are references to "infidels" and "crusaders." Gone are references to his dream of an Islamic hegemony stretching from ocean to ocean. Gone are his calls for new children to strap on bombs and murder their mothers. Now, he uses words like "oppression," "corruption," and refers back to the "My Pet Goat" story that Moore has been relentlessly pushing as proof that GWB doesn't care about his own people.

You know, I have been a fan of Michael Moore, and have been trying to put down people who see F911 as simply sour grapes or who accuse him of treason. But it is harder and harder to defend the man as more and more inaccuracies are pointed out, and more importantly as more and more of our enemies are using his own film for their own ends. I still do not think Mr. Moore is a bad person or even a bad american. He is a powerful propogandist in the strong traditions of many of the newpapers of our past. He is a gadfly who will not let anyone rest on their laurels. But he must be careful that in the end, he is serving the American republic in a positive way, not just opening doors like this for psychopaths like OBL.

29 Ekim 2004 Cuma

President John Edwards... with Bush and Kerry Disqualified?

This is just weird. Someone at the New York Times either has too much time on his hands, or is working overtime to find any method possible to keep George W Bush out of a 2nd term.

Visiting Ward Again...

Well, never one to be satisfied with one party when three will do, Ward is having another reception this weekend, for the folks in his hometown in Delaware. So, again, updates may be a bit lightweight this time around, as my family figured we should go to any reception within driving distance. And this is MUCH better than flying. I again have my camera along, so our Mod-Blog readers may get another glimpse into the personal life of everyone's favorite Blog site owner.

All I can say is "Thank God for free wireless internet at the Hampton Inn, Voorhees.

OBL Sends His Regards

I am still trying to figure out exactly what Osama Bin Laden is trying to say in his newest terrorist video. From reports, he did not make specific threats, and even seemed conciliatory in some segments. Obviously, this is an intent to influence the election results (read: Beat Bush) but it is hardly the kind of rhetoric that is going to make any change their mind. Frankly, it is more likely to help Bush, since it reminds folks that the Hannibal Lecter of 9/11 is still alive and still hates us.

I dunno. I just hope the CIA can backtrack that tape to the courier, and the courier to OBL, and then drop a small nuke on his head. Just a small one. No need to get crazy about this.

Wondering Why Kerry Is Still Going Down?

John Kerry has been relentlessly pushing the Iraqi bunker story, trying to make the Explosives Theft story into Geoprge W Bush's own Willie Horton downfall. Instead, he has been seeing his numbers continue to fall, and now stalwart democratic strongholds like Hawaii and New Jersey are on the fence. (This is the equivalent of Texas going Democratic.) It is strange, as the explosives story, while clearly a distraction more than news should be dragging down Bush. But today, while listening to Bill Bennett this morning, a caller made an excellent point. The HMX and DMX explosives that were allegedly stolen are nuclear triggering explosives. In other words, by pushing this story Kerry is making the case that Sadaam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction. Thus undermining the exact case that Kerry has been making for throwing Bush out of office. Frankly, in the end, it is a catch-22. If the story is true, then Sadaam was taken out for good reason. If not, then Kerry is pushing a lie and the explosives story has no traction anyway. Heads, Bush wins, tails, Kerry loses.


OFFICIAL Star Wars Episode 3 Teaser Poster

Okay, this time it is official! This was revealed on ET last night, and officially confirmed by LucasFilm on their own site. Not bad. I actually like the fake one a little better, but this is a really interesting concept.

Grrr... I can't wait for May 2005!!! ARGH!!!

28 Ekim 2004 Perşembe

Mmm... Star Wars 3 Pics....

MoviePhone.Com has up a set of pics from the new Star Wars movie due out in 2005. Nothing really earthshattering - just some some close-ups of OB1 and Anakin. Still, it certainly whets the appetite for some Star Wars goodness. Many folks have disliked the prequel trilogy, but I still think that a "bad" Star Wars is better than a "good" Star Trek movie. Or most of everything else Hollywood puts out every year.

You Scratch My Back...

Our readers may remember Pure Nard, a poster who was lurking for quite a while and has recently started adding his comments here and there. Well, now he has his own BLog. He mentioned Mod-Blog, so it seems polite to mention his little slice of the Blogsphere as well. Looks like it is primarily a movie review and Red Sox fan site, but I am sure it will evolve as time permits.

We now return to your regularly scheduled Blog.

Bunkergate: Lies, Half-Truths, and More Lies

Now it turns out that both the Iraqis and the IAEA might have been mistaken or just lying. Documents now show that the IAEA reported almost two years ago that there might be as little as 3 tons of material in the bunker in question. The report also suggest that the whole seal issue is a moot point because, get ready for this, it turns out that anyone could sneak in through the ventilation shafts without disrupting the doors. With every report, this looks more and more foolish and it reflects just how desperate Kerry has become that he would not wait to ensure the validity of this report before jumping on it. I guess he does support pre-emptive strikes based on uncertain intelligence after all, as long as it's aimed at an American.

Mid-East Turmoil Or Just the Opposite?

The news media is abuzz this morning with talk about Arafat's failing health, calling it a "crisis" in the peace process. Say what? I don't want to be mean, he is a person after all. But the death of this horrible terrorist could be the single best thing to happen to the peace process in a decade. This thug had the chance to get everything the Palestinians claim they want (and more) and threw it away to pursue terror and the destruction of Israel instead. With this evil little man out of the way, it could open up an entire new phase in the peace process. He has nominated much more moderate Prime Ministers and if one is able to take power, we could see the development of a peaceful Palestinian state within a couple of years. No more occupied land, no more invasion, no more suicide bombers. It will still take work, but it's hard to see the death of Arafat as anything but a great step forward in the process.

Russia Stole the High Explosives?!

The Washington Times is reporting that Russian special forces appear to have taken the high explosives from the Al-Qaqqa facility in the days before the Iraq Invasion. It appears it was an attempt to cover up the depth of Russia's relationship with the Iraqi dictator, by moving tons of Russian-supplied ordinance to Syria.

"The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units."...Most of Saddam's most powerful arms were systematically separated from other arms like mortars, bombs and rockets, and sent to Syria and Lebanon, and possibly to Iran, he said.

This can not be good. It certainly puts to rest John Kerry's charges of incompetence regarding these explosives, but it raises the question of what else Vladamir Putin's government smuggled out at the last second. Is the reason for a lack of WMDs, because they are hiding under Mr. Putin's desk?!

Welcome to the Alternate Universe: Red Sox Win World Series

Not sure how it is possible, but apparently the Red Sox have swept the World Series. It seems the Curse of the Bambino has finally been put to rest. Somehow, I have this feeling that the fate of John Kerry's presidential campaign is tied to the fate of the Red Sox. Not sure if the world series is intended as compensation for a failed campaign, or a sign that Boston will triumph in all things this year. But it is worth watching, and worrying.

27 Ekim 2004 Çarşamba

Are You READY To Vote?

Don't know about you, but each year I find myself MORE than ready for the major races (president, governor, etc.) but woefully unready for the minor races in my state. Seems like so much time is spent on the top of the ticket, that people forget that local races have far more impact on your daily life. If you are like me, then this site can be an invaluable resource. Simply click thru, then click on your home state. That will tell you everyone running for office in your state, and what party they belong to, along with a link to their campaign web pages. You probably still have to go elsewhere to find out who is running for dog catcher in your hometown, but this is a great start.

Looking For a Scare?

Are you getting into the Halloween spirit by seeking out some scary stories? Welll, how about this one which details all of the possible outcomes of the 2004 election that could make it worse than 2000. Personally, I'd prefer a good monster movie instead.

Who Would Osama Vote For?

There is a new campaign sign up on my way home from work. It is a huge billboard which mentions neither candidate (so I guess it squeaks by any campaign finance laws). It asks one simple question, "Who Would Osama Vote For?" A powerful message, and moreso by the fact that everyone I know immediately thinks "John Kerry", even before their logical side kicks in. Kind of a political Rorschach Test. But as a political idealist, who tries to be fair to both sides, I found myself annoyed at the sentiment.

Well, it appears it is more true than John Kerry would like us to believe. We already knew that the Senator had been endorsed by Yasser Arafat, but now an Iraqi insurgent group has said out loud exactly what most of us thought, and Mr. Kerry must be horrified to read.

Leaders and supporters of the anti-U.S. insurgency say their attacks in recent weeks have a clear objective: The greater the violence, the greater the chances that President Bush will be defeated on Tuesday and the Americans will go home... Resistance leader Abu Jalal boasted that the mounting violence had already hurt Mr. Bush's chances. ...The most pro-Kerry, he said, are the former Saddam Hussein loyalists

To be fair, it also mentions that some elements are hoping for a GWB victory instead, because he is a polarizing figure that might help in recruitment for radical jihadists. But it appears, by far, that John Kerry is preferred by most terrorists.

Fun With DU

Ah, the joys of watching Democrats squirm. Well, here's part of a post up at DU now that explains the President's thinking.

And Karl Rove still has a week in which to launch his V2 rockets at the Democrats. Whether he is desperate enough to go maximum will depend on his reading of the GOP internal polls. If he still believes he can pull off an Electoral College victory by energizing his fundamentalist/rightwing base and suppressing the Dem vote - through slime and sleaze and intimidation and computer-fiddling and reducing the number of new registered Democrats by thievery and threatening poll "monitors" - he'll hold back his major weapons.

But if what he's hearing in the various toss-up states continues to sound bad - Kerry doing well in enough of them to deny Bush victory - he may go for those extreme measures. Whether that will be an American/Israeli attack on Iran's nuke sites, or rounding up some Arabs and charging them with a new terrorist assault on U.S. soil ("Who's your daddy? We're protecting you, vote for us"), or a simulated assassination try, or declaring martial law and "postponing" the election - whatever, he'd consider doing it.
Note the ironies as they build here. It's the liberals, not conservatives, who are so fond of poll monitors. This is especially true if the monitors are not US citizens. Also computer fiddling. George Bush can't even be coached to use the correct term for the internet and yet Rove has some mastermind back there ready to hack the system? Highly unlikely. A simulated assassination? I guess maybe that's what the Guardian was actually calling for last week when they asked of the likes of Booth and Oswald, "Where are you when we need you?" Martial law? That's so pathetic as to not even warrant a response. The draft is coming, the draft is coming! And they call the President a fear monger?

Well, there you have it folks. More entertainment from the idiots at DU. Just remember, it would be funny it wasn't so scary.


Nomad already did a fine job pointing to how stupid this story is, but I caught some more of the story on the news this morning and so thought I would add another thought. The reporter with the 101st who "reported" this event was on the news this morning and basically said (I can't remember his exact words), "We were there, lots of stuff looked exploded and some bunkers were closed. I can't say that there were any UN seals on the door, but there might have been. There were so many that the soldiers only did a quick test to make sure there were no nuclear or radioactive materials in the bunkers. Then we moved on into southern Baghdad."

Wow, talk about a story! There were bunkers! Imagine that. This is clearly the President's personal fault. He should have phoned those soldiers and told them to stop their march north and stay at those bunkers. Clearly, John Kerry is right. This is a huge story. If the President of the United States doesn't make every call concerning every weapon found in the field of battle, then he is certainly a poor President and he is personally to blame. Seriously, let's not forget that millions of tons of these weapons and explosives have been destroyed by the military. Is it troubling that these tons escaped? Of course. But does it show incompetence by this administration? Of course not. We still can't tell it the stuff disappeared before, during, or after the invasion. And we have no idea where it went. But then, the facts have never been able to stop the lunatic left before so why should they start now?

The Return

Well, after a busy but wonderful week of preparing for the wedding and a great honeymoon, I'm back. Thanks to Nomad for all the work and helping our readers to share in the experience. He was a BIG help over the weekend.

But now it's back to the grind of work and school and of course, blogging. So, without further ado, let's get to it.

26 Ekim 2004 Salı

Hypoallergenic Cats?

This is just too weird. Genetically engineered cats which don't trigger allergies. Personally, I am allergic, but I am not sure I'd prefer dealing with GM cat dander. What happens when these kitties interbreed with the natual population? Catenstein?

October Surprise Becomes October Oops?

Sigh. First, you heard that the New York Times was reporting the IAEA was blasting George W. Bush for a loss of tons of high-powered explosives. You heard somewhere else that these explosives were strong enough to set off a nuclear bomb!!! Then you heard that John Kerry was trying to use the story to score political points over the president. But now suddenly we are learning three rather uncomfortable truths. First, this is not news - it was reported by NBC's embedded reporters over a year ago. Two, the explosives were stolen/taken/destroyed before the U.S. invasion of Iraq. And three, CBSNews had planned to reveal this "news" on Sunday night as an "October Surprise" to blast the president.

Wait, you thought that a news organization was above that kind of thing. So did I. But this shows that forged documents are not enough for someone in the CBS News organization. Anything, but anything, is fair game, if it means problems for GWB. I think it may be time for fair-minded BLoggers to let CBS know that a boycott of their programming has begun. And just in time for November Sweeps, too.

iPod Photo Hits the Streets!!!

Just when you thought Apple had given up the idea of a color-screen iPod... well... uh... they didn't. Apple has just released the new iPod Photo which is a 40 GB or 60 GB iPod with a color screen and iPhoto integration. This means you can take all the pics you want, upload them to your iMac, iBook, PowerBook, etc. and then have them all with you on your iPod. Nice.

Course, the resolution can't be anywhere near a real computer screen. But then, it would be nice to be able to show off all the photos I took of Ward's wedding, without having to worry about having my laptop along.

Star Wars 3 has been seen?! SPOILERS!!!

I have an uinfortunate habit of scouring the internet regularly for spoilers on the next and newest Star Wars movies... whatever they have happen to be. I knew almost everything about Episode 1 before it hit the sceens. I knew the majority of the major points of Episode 2 (though I had no idea of the visual richness of that film) before I bought my first ticket. Well, now we have a chance to be completely spoiled for Episode 3. Allegedly, one of the folks over at TheForce.Net has seen a PG-13 rough cut of the film, and lifts the curtain for the rest of us. Some very cool stuff. But be warned, he reveals all kinds of deep truth that most readers might prefer NOT to know prior to seeing the first film themselves.

25 Ekim 2004 Pazartesi

If You Are Planning on Flying Soon...

I am not what you would call a "frequent flyer." And having my first flight a few weeks after 9/11/01 did not exactly help any anti-airplane concerns. But this year, I have flown first to Seattle for Sean's wedding and then to Kentucky for Ward's wedding. (Luckily, it appears next year's weddings will all be relatively local. Unfortunately, it appears none of them will be mine. ) However, some new security procedures have apparently been put into place since the Seattle trip that caused some hassles for CRChair and me. On trips, we always bring a few film cases filled with quarters, for vending machines and the like. Last flight, no problem. The X-Ray guys did not even blink. This time, it apparently raised a serious red flag. They searched both of our carry-on bags, stem to stern, to find the film cases, check every quarter inside them, and dust the whole thing for explosives. We were clean.

It is not quite the shoe to hat search that I recieved on my first airport security check (being a man with a beard can be difficult in these days), but it definitely slowed things down. If you are someone who also carrys rolls of quarters, take it from me - put them into the X-Ray trays separately so the security guys can see them clearly and check them easily. It made our trip home much faster than our trip out.

Ashlee Simpson's SNL Flub

Well, everyone else is talking about it, so why not? Apparently, Ashlee Simpson appeared on SNL this week (we were out at the bachelor party) when her band started playing one number, and the vocal track started playing a different one. Simoson did a quick hoe-down dance and walked off-stage rather than trying to do it right a second time. When she came back on, Jude Law tried to pass it off as an inevitable sometimes ocurrence of "Live TV" but Simpson put her foot firmly in her mouth by blaming her band. Sigh. I don't know anyone who watched SNL for the musical acts, anyway, but c'mon. SNL is NOT the place to be a politician, unless you are one of the impressionists trying to get a laugh.

This can not be helping Ashlee's inferiority complex regarding her blonder sister. But then, I am not sure SNL is the place to be lip syncing.

Treo 650 Officially Released... By Palm

Engadget (among other) is reporting that the Treo 650 Smartphone has been officially released by PalmOne. (Unfortunately, it is still useless without a cellular carrier willing to put it on their system. But announcements from Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon are expected "soon.") The good: much faster processor, non-volatile memory (i.e. if your battery is dead, it survives). The bad: No memory upgrade, no camera upgrade. Still, this is DEFINITELY the camera I want for my next SmartPhone... when I can afford it, that is. Wedding trips are expensive!

24 Ekim 2004 Pazar

What "Montage" Song?

Okay we were inundated by e-mails asking about the Montage song mentioned in the preceding review. (Okay, not inundated. Some guy on the play just grunted vaguely, and I guessed that was his meaning.) So, thanks to SoundTrack Lyrics.Com for the lyrics to the actual Team America montage ditty:

The hours approaching, just give it your best

You got to reach your prime.

That’s when you need to put yourself to the test,

And show us a passage of time,

Were going to need a montage (montage)

Oh it takes a montage (montage)

Sure a lot of things happing at once,

With mind, everyone what’s going on (what’s going on?)

And when every shot you show a little improvement

Just Show it or it will take to long

that’s called a montage (montage)

Oh we want montage (montage)

And anything that we want to know, from just a beginner to a pro,

You want a montage (montage)

even rocky had a montage (montage)


Anything that we want to know, from just a beginner to a pro,

You need a montage (montage)

Oh it takes a montage (montage)

Always fade out in a montage,

If you fade out, it seem like more time

Has passed in a montage,


REVIEW: Team America: World Police

Well, I proved to Ward just how loyal a friend I was this weekend (Thursday night, actually) by allowing myself to be dragged to see a showing of Team America: World Police here in Kentucky. Yes, that is right, despite my protestations of preferring hot coals in my mouth to seeing this Trey Parker, Matt Stone production, I actually went. And I seem to have an absolutely unique reaction to this marionette-addled film: I neither absolutely hated it, nor found it irresistibly funny. (Check out CNN for the hysterically lavish type and Ebert for the horrified type of review.) My review? Eh.

The Good:
  1. The montage song is hilarious. The Groomsmen were singing it randomly all weekend.
  2. The fate of Hans Blix is something many of us have desired to see from petty U.N. bureaucrats who think their existence justifies their position
  3. It was an insightful send-up of Armageddon-style action movies that completely lack logic.
  4. Durka durka.

The Bad:
  1. The puppet sex scene was pointless. If you wanted sexy, it ain't. If you wanted clean and funny, it weren't.
  2. The language was bad even in places where it added neither to the humor, nor the parody aspect. But I know that is just how these guys talk.
  3. Michael Moore got off easy (yes, even with the shown fate). And that comes from a fan of most of his work.
  4. Enough with the gay humor already. To gays, it must be insulting. And to straights, it was just repetitive and 4th grade humor.
  5. It was WAY too long, for what it was.

There you have it. Nomad's review of the most "Eh" film of the year. Of course, I must admit Ward's best man, who hates puppets and marionette things, laughed so hard that he was doubled-over for most of the movie.

Heading Back Home

Well, the wedding is over. So it is time to head home. Probably no more wedding pics for the general audience, but more for the families once I figure out the best ways to upload them. So, see you all when we arrive back in our various and sundry domiciles!

And in case one of you was wondering, NO the Nomad has not been in ANY of these pictures. He has been safely behind the camera. Heh-heh.

Mmmm... Calvin & Hobbes....

I know this is a cheap and easy way to fill up a log of BLog space, but this is the kind of thing I think a lot of us have fantasized about.

Mmmmm.... Megalomania....

23 Ekim 2004 Cumartesi

Wow, Now THIS Is a Campaign Commercial

Generally, we here at Mod-Blog try to stay away from being a commercial for either side, though we are not shy about our opinions. However, every once in a while, an ad comes along that just blows you away. Like this one. Whether you agree with the ideas in the commercial or not, you must admit it makes the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Wow. This is a great piece of art, whether you agree with it or disagree with it.

FINALLY, the Wedding!!!

It had happened, and now they are Mr. and Mrs. Ward! Congratulations, humble site owner.

And now, the for the first time on the web, let me introduce MR. and MRS. WARD!!!

One More Pre-Wedding Pic

A couple more pre-wedding pic for our loyal readers. The show happens at noon today, and the Nomad will be there with his Digital Rebel, so I should be able to post some real ones tonight.

New Apple MalWare Revealed

It is not a real computer virus, but Macintouch is reporting that the first Apple MacOS X MalWare has been discovered in the wild. This so-called "Openner" virus appears to try and spy on any user through their webcam, connect back to a central server for commands, and deletes several key UNIX commands... all while disabling the most common antispywares that Mac users might have installed. It appears as of now that this must be MANUALLY installed onto your Mac by a malicious user with an Admin password, but it is still NOT good news for Mac Heads who up until now have reveled in the complete lack of virii and worms attacking MacOS X.

22 Ekim 2004 Cuma

More Ward Wedding Pics

A few more pictures from the wedding of the... uh... last few months.

The practice went well. Tomorrow, onto the BIG event!

XM to Release iPod-like Handheld!!!

CNN is reporting that XM Radio (my satellite radio of choice) will be releasing a handheld device to recieve their content. It even sounds like it may include a Hard Drive onto which XM content can be downloaded. All I can say is [Insert Droll Here].

Female Soldiers Coming to Combat Near You

The Washington Times is reporting that the Pentagon is talking with civilian groups and the Secretary of Defense about placing female soldiers in co-ed front-line units. This would mean for the first time ever female soldiers would be finding themselves intentionally thrown into the hottest parts of war. This also means that for the first time we would be saying that it is okay for women to become prisoners of war, despite the fact that they are much more vulnerable to... well... the more personal kinds of torture.

I am not comfortable with this, and I have a few female friends in the service and have no problem with that in general. We have always provided extra protection to the fairer sex, understanding that we need one side to survive to protect the family and the homeland. I wonder if this will become an issue in the final weeks of the campaign.

Ward Wedding, Day 1

Well, yesterday was Day 1 of the Ward Wedding Weekend Extravaganza. We fly down to Kentucky, took care of picking up the groomsmen's tuxes, got some eats at Chili's, they dragged me to see a late showing of Team America: World police, and we finally collapsed into bed shortly after midnight. But I thought our loyal readers might like to see a photo from the process of the Wardster and his groomsmen preparing for the BIG DAY

The Groomsmen, Not Me

A Dog's Dream

Any dog owner has got to love this.

Of course, the next problem is most dogs can't read... Maybe it comes in Audio Book format!!!

21 Ekim 2004 Perşembe

John Kerry's Strategy to Win: Just Declare Victory Either Way

Yahoo! News is reporting that John Kerry has decided on a simple strategy to win the election on November 2. Unless it is obvious he has lost, he will immediately declare victory and start selecting cabinet officers. This is the opposite of Al Gore's actions after the 2000 election, where he prematurely called George W Bush to congratulate him on winning. Then it was nigh-unto-impossible to retract it without looking like a loser. (Which, of course, all the recounts proved he was anyway.) Gotta love this year's campaign. When all else fails, just refuse any reality but the one you like.

The Day Cometh

So, as Nomad posted yesterday, my wedding is almost here. This, of course, means that updates will be exceedingly rare, if there are any at all, for the next couple of days. We're getting ready with stuff and so on, getting clothing taken care of, the bride is having her hair done and family is coming in to get ready and stuff. =) So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who have become regular readers. In our absence, I recommend visiting someone from the blogroll. They're all of various political views and so on but worth the read. Well, except for Anti-Bush, I just put that one on because I thought it was a funny site. Anyways, have a great weekend and I'll talk to you all next week.


I have not been browsing other Blogs to see if this is the name they are giving the "controversy", but after PocketGate, LumpGate, and the others, I would be shocked if this is not given the -Gate suffix by someone in the Kerry camp. Apparently, Dick Cheney got a flu shot. So? You ask. Well the Kerryites are charging that it is hypocritical for the VP to have a shot, when the administration is asking so many others to go without this year. Of course, a logical person (even intelligent and attentive canine) notes that they always add the caveat "unless you are in a high-risk group." I would say a man who has had multiple heart "episodes" would count as "high-risk" for the flu. Republicans are now noting that Bill Clinton, who is himself just recovering from heart surgery, also got a flu shot.

At least this one is not an argument over whether it was legal to use chapstick during the debate. But still, it will be nice when the campaign is over (and hopefully, my guy won) and we can get back to real "scandals". Not that I am saying I know anything. Not that I am saying I don't.

20 Ekim 2004 Çarşamba

Revealing the Big Secret

So, our faithful readers have been noticing updates have been a little less regular this last week or so. They wonder, "Are Ward and the Nomad slacking off? Or is something big coming up?" Well, I can finally reveal what is going on. On this coming Saturday, the founder of our little site - Wardimus Prime himself - is getting married. That is right, the mad bachelor is finally giving in to the love bug, and settling down with his own little piece of heaven. As the wedding gets closer, it is no doubt that the groom-to-be will be a little less available for his regular updates. And the Nomad is flying out to the big soiree tomorrow, and thus will be away from his beloved Apple Airport wireless internet. So updates from me will also be less frequent and possibly missing over these next few days if I can not find a public hot spot.

But it is a time of rejoicing! Soon there will be a Mrs. Ward. If you want to wish the head Mod-Blogger the best, post your best wishes below here in the comments area. C'Mon! Let's give Wardisaurus Rex a big send-off!!!

The Religion of Peace

Here's another wonderful example of how loving and merciful Islamlic law is. Until more moderate Muslisms (if they're not really just a myth) begin to speak up, this is what we can expect more of. Sure sounds like a system I'd like to live under.

OBL: Dead or Alive?

Good arguments for either case exist. It's hard to say at this point, although I have a feeling he's still around. The dead argument is summed up pretty well by the Dispatch and the alive argument is summed up well at Winds of Change. They're both worth a read, neither gives a slam-dunk case but both make good points. If the left is right, I'm sure we'll find out that OBL is alive and being kept in the White House dungeon just a few days before the election.

19 Ekim 2004 Salı

The Guardian: Proving Stupidity Is Alive and Well

Imagine an American newspaper, a supposed source of unbiased news, sending out letters to France or Germany or Spain to tell them who to vote for. Think of what the populace of these countries would say. "Those arrogant Americans, they have no right to tell us what to do!" etc etc. But, the UK's Guardian (a bastion of the most idiotic liberals in the world) has done just that. That's right, liberals in Britian are trying to tell undecided voters in America how to vote. Not only is this stupid in the extreme, but it reflects just how arrogant the left is. It's wrong for the US to involve itself in other countries' business but it's okay for a two-bit crap rag to tell us how to vote? Here's an idea for the staff of the Guardian: Take your useless ideas back to England, sip your tea, and shut your mouths. If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

Wi-Fi Fun

There's a cool piece up about cities going to civic Wi-Fi networks. That's pretty sweet. I love it when I find shops around town that have wireless networking set up already, it would be awesome to have an entire city set up. There are, of course, naysayers. And I have no doubt that there will be problems but there always are. The future looks increasingly free from wires.

If You Doubted This Would Be a Difficult Election...

This page has up a list of all of the ballot issues, lawsuits, and voting irregularities already cropping up across the country. If you had hoped this election cycle might be less weird than the Florida Debacle of 2000, then we are already seeing it is a pipe dream. I am still hopeful for a Bush win large enough to forestall any major lawsuits, but I think things have gotten so acrimonious in the last few weeks of the campaign that I suspect Kerry/Edwards will be filing court challenges out of sheer spite, if they do not win. And I doubt that partisans on the Republican side will be psychologically capable of doing the same thing, if their side loses. Sigh. I hope 2008 is an election with less malice, where we can get back to the business of just voting on election day. America may have too many lawyers, but do we really have to make a literal federal case out of it every time someone loses an election?

18 Ekim 2004 Pazartesi

Mmmm... Treo 650 Details...

Not sure how many of our readers know this, but I am a huge fan of the emerging SmartPhone Movement which merges cell phones with PDAs. I even moderated over at the now-defunct SmartPhone Talk for a little while. I owned the Kyocera 6135 for a while (black and white and Verizon all over) before switching to the Kyocera 7135 (color, faster CPU, flip-phone design). The Kyos are great, but I am ready for a little more power, and a much nicer user experience, so the Treo 600s have been tempting me. But not, PalmInfoCenter has up official details on the Palm Treo 650! Better color, better battery life, speakerphone, 1.3 megapixel camera, Palm OS 5. What more can a man want? (Answer: Much, much more. But that is a discussion for another time.)

Retro vs. Metro: Who's Really Uptight?

Some of our readers might be familiar with the Retro vs. Metro site which is full of all sorts of stupid claims. One of their arguments is that the conservatives in this country are old hill-billy types who don't have fun.

But there's an interesting poll from ABC out today that reflects just how void the stereotypes are. The results? Republicans have better sex! Now, don't put too much stock in this, of course. But it's an interesting sociological look at the people who are Republicans and Democrats. The poll found that by 10% points, Republicans are more likely to be sexually satisfied and happy. They're also more likely to take steps to improve their sex lives. Democrats also fake "it" more often than Republicans.

While this poll isn't good for a whole lot, per se, it does bring up something that I've felt for a long time. That is simply put, liberals aren't much fun. Sure, there are some with a sense of humor and many that are really good people. But overall, they're the biggest bores and the biggest drag-me-downs. Liberals are convinced of three things. First, that they have the absolute best answers. Second, that no one else could possibly have thought of these answers without a liberal's help. And third, that they're the only ones who really care. These leave your average liberal pretty much in the same spot as your typical fundamentalist Christian. And believe me when I say, they're not much fun. Good people, but not much fun.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Democrats aren't as pleased with their sex lives. They're not pleased with hardly anything. They walk the land with a perpetual scowl, convinced that every person they meet is potentially "the enemy." Unless you accept their narrow ideology, then you are a threat to their way of life and you're just a "freeper" as they like to call anyone who disagrees with them. You're clearly with them or you're with "*" or "chimp" or whatever they're calling the President on any given day. You're a caring leftist or you're a Rovian demon sent from the underworld to wreak havoc on their otherwise perfect lives.

Gee, and they say that President Bush has too stark a view of good and evil?


It's sort of creepy that this shows up the same time that Sci-Fi airs a dumb horror movie about the "frankenfish." Science fiction immitating life? Hmmmm....

Abortion May be a Big Issue Yet

Those of us opposed to abortion tend to believe that no significant change will take place concerning the status of that most evil of American "rights." But it looks like the left sees real trouble for their pet "right" if President Bush is re-elected. This article alone, although clearly fear-mongering and silly, is enough to remind me how important this election is. The lunatic left is so far out of touch with reality that they get steamed because over half the states would act to ban abortion to at least some degree. They love when judges tell us what's legal or not, but they sure can't stand to let the people have their way.

A View on the President

There's a really strong endorsement of the President that can be found here. The writer is honest, powerful, and accurate. It's well worth the couple of minutes it'll take to read.

No Link Between Iraq and Al-Qaeda? Zarqawi Makes the Connection

Is there a link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda? Well, there is still much debate about the state of Sadaam's Iraq, but there is now no doubt about post-Sadaam Iraq. On a radical Islamic Website that al-Zarqawi has used in the past as a clearinghouse for his manifestos, a new post was placed which explicitly states the Iraq terrorist's support for Osama Bin Laden and calls for Islamic unity against the Western World.

Interesting that this came after the debates. Wonder if the terrosists are angry at the apparent confusion about their unity, or if this is simply a cry for help from a man who sees his support in Iraq crumbling as elections near.

17 Ekim 2004 Pazar

Return of the King Extended Edition Preview!!!

Gasp! I must have the precious DVD set!!! Check out the trailer! Coming December 14, 2004!

I wonder if I will still have any interest in movies when Episode 3 and the last ROTK DVD is out? Then again, Narnia is coming!!!

Farscape PSA

Hee-hee! Some Farscape fans have made up a homemade commercial for tonight's premiere of the Farscape Miniseries (Sci Fi Channel, 9 PM) in the style of a Public Service Announcement. Too funny.

The Enigma of the "Undecided Voter" 2004

Doonesbury has up a trenchant analysis of the undecided voter in 2004.

The fact that a race between John Kerry and George W Bush still retains "undecideds" (assuming that in some polls that does not mean "I am voting for a third party candidate") implies if there were a runoff between Jesus Christ and Josef Stalin, some folks would have a hard time making up their minds. (Though I imagine Jesus would not be afraid of Ralph Nader siphoning off votes in key states.)

"LesbianGate" Backfires on Kerry

The New York Daily News has up an article analyzing the reaction to John Kerry's invocation of Mary Cheney at the last Presidential Debate. Essentially, it backs up my earlier thesis, but then takes it a few steps further.

This reaction doesn't mean that the evangelical community has changed its doctrine, or its mind, on the sinful nature of homosexuality. It does reveal, however, that most born-again Protestants are not nearly as extreme - or as politically one-dimensional - as Kerry evidently imagined them to be...Why this should come as a surprise to the Democratic candidate is a mystery. Kerry knows from his own experience that many practicing Catholics habitually vote for pro-choice candidates, even if they have been specifically warned by their priests that doing so would be a sin.

Interesting analysis. And again, it brings home the point that I made earlier. John Kerry may protest against the use of "labels" when he is called a liberal, but the fact is that he views "conservatives" and "christians" as little more than walking labels. Not a man I would want as my president.

16 Ekim 2004 Cumartesi

Stealth Anti-Bush Campaign?

I just saw a few of these kinds of displays in my neighborhood. At first, I just assumed it was just someone getting rid of an old sign. Then I noticed it was for '04, it was placed upside down, and it was precisely placed to be maximally visible to passing cars.

Anyone else out there seeing this kind of display? Is this a coincidence, or is it a stealth advertising campaign against the Bush-Cheney ticket?

It's Just How You Cut It

Remember a few weeks back when Leftist BLoggers were charging cheating and conspiracy at the first debate, when they saw a "mysterious bulge" at the back of President George W. Bush's jacket? "A transmitter!" They screamed, "He was being fed lines from Darth Rove!" Well, tired at the volume the screams and the sillyness of the remarks The New York Times went out and photographed random people from behind in NYC. Their findings? The cut of most jackets leave a "tell-tale bulge" if you are not simply standing up straight.

15 Ekim 2004 Cuma

Halloween Versus the Sabbath

I thought I was the only person who really was bothered by the fact that Halloween is on a Sunday this year. Well, it appears I am not alone. Many Bible Belt towns are trying to decide whether to "reschedule" the ghosts and costumes holiday to Saturday, or to put the demons up against God on the ole day of rest. It appears there is no way to satisfy both the religious and the candy-lusters.

Well, at least I know I am a little weird about Halloween. I don't begrudge anyone else the celebration, but I just can't bring myself to enjoy a day that originally was set aside to celebrate everything that is dark and horrible about life.

An Answer to Ward's "LesbianGate" Question

Ward asked why John Kerry and John Edwards seemed so obsessed with Vice President Cheney's gay daughter. It is strange from one point of view. After all, the Cheney kids have always stayed out of the limelight, avoiding comment about politics except as volunteers for their dad's campaign. It is not like the Senators John invoke the popular Bush Twins very often. The fact of it is, the Johns are counting on a misperception of the Religious Right and Christians in general. "Christian Wackos," They think in their pointy-but-well-coifed heads, "Are inherently bigots who would rather string up any homosexual they come across, no matter who they are. As a matter of fact, the whole Religious Right are rabid haters of any person who is not Religiously Right." So they are counting on the mere mention of "Cheney" and "Lesbian" in the same sentence will either weaken support for the adminstration or at least suppress voter turnout.

Of course, anyone who has ever actually spoken with a Christian or a member of the Religious Right and listened knows that this is just foolishness. Christians are people of love - by and large, we have our idiots just like anyone else - and do not hate those we disagree with. We simply feel they are in the wrong morally, and in the case of Gay Marriage politically. As a matter of fact, on every issue but gay marriage the Log Cabin Republicans have been happily allying with the other conservative groups who happen to be Religious.

But then, John Kerry is never one to deal with reality when a simplification or stereotype will do. Especially in a debate.


I'm hardly advocating that John Kerry should appologize for his comments, let me start by clearing that up. But one does have to wonder why his campaign seems obessed with bringing up Mary Cheney every opportunity that they get. Whatever the reasons, I can deal with that.

However, what I cannot deal with is Mrs. Edwards' comments yesterday. To imply that the Cheney's are ashamed of their daughter because of her lesbianism is not only low, but stupid. They have been open about her situation and every indication is that they are extremely supportive and open to her and her companion, even including her in family functions. Mary has also been a very active part of her father's campaign work. To suggest that they are ashamed of her because they resent their daughter being used as a political point is just absurd. Mrs. Edwards should be ashamed of herself.

The Democrats love to talk about Republicans using wedge issues, but it seems that they have no problem of trying to create controversy on their own. But then that is what happens when you're the party of no ideas.

ANOTHER Star Wars Teaser Banner?

Frankly, this one is less cool than the fake one, but it appears to be MUCH more real.

I still can't wait for this film to come in 2005!

14 Ekim 2004 Perşembe

Still An Undecided Voter? Let Us TELL You Who To Vote For

This is an interesting site if you are still an undecided voter. The Presidential Candidate Selector asks a short series of policy questions and uses them to tell you how close you align to the existing candidates, both major and third-party. President George W Bush showed up as a 79% match for me. But that was really no big shock.

Of course, what do you do if you are a truly Undecided Voter and wind up with less than 50% of any candidate? Well, then in my opinion you should vote for anyone but John Kerry. But of course I am entirely unbiased about that.

DVD Quickie Reviews


Rated: PG-13

I have seen two movies in my life where I honestly feel the atmosphere in the theater turned a good movie into a great one. The first was Waterworld which I saw at a theater down in Wildwood, NJ at the beach. The theater's air conditioning has gone down, so we were watching the movie in 90-degree heat in the dark. It added greatly to the sense of a "desert of water" that the filmmakers were trying to create, and made the film one of my favorites despite the fact that everyone else in creation hated it. The Day After Tomorrow is the second such film to fall into this category. For those not in the know, Day After Tomorrow is the story of a climatologist who discovered that Global Warming was disrupting the warm currents of the northern hemishere, and would thus lead to several "super storms" which would bring on another Ice Age. The first half of the film is the story of "harbinger storms" - strange weather catastrophes that are warnings of the super-storms to come: to!

rnadoes in LA, hail storms in Tokyo, etc. Frankly, while this is clearly the big special effects portion of the movie, it is pretty boring. While amazing things are happening on-screen, it is happening to people we do not know and simply don't care about. Remember how you felt through the American Godzilla film a while back? Where the only character you related to was the monster, and the only reason was that it might eat Matthew Broderick and stop him from whining? That is pretty much the first half of the film here. But then, we turn to the story of a few survivors of the harbinger storms who now need to try and survive the super-storm in New York City. When the super-storm passes right over Manhatten, it brings down supercooled air from the highest parts of the atmosphere, and you see everything freezing INSTANTLY. At that precise moment, I was sitting by the window in my Connecticut apartment and a chill autumn wind blew and suddenly I was experiencing (albeit far less special effectsy) some of what the characters were feelings. And right then, the story grabbed me. Is this a great film? No. Frankly, if it were not for the second half, there would be no reason to see this film. But it is a good film, and if you can manage to be sitting in the right place when a breeze comes along, it may just capture your imagination and carry you away. (Even if the politics of it are pretty much on the level of Michael Moore.)

Fahrenheit 9/11

Rated: R

I have been a fan of Michael Moore since I saw his first major documentary, "Roger and Me." While I am definitely nowhere near the left-wing views that Moore holds (I voted for Bush in 2000, and plan to vote for him again this time around) I always appreciated his showmanship, his good humor, and his ability to present his side of the issue without getting mean. I realize that his on-air personality has been different from his movie personality, but it is the movies that he wants to be remembered. Anyway, after laughing through both "Roger and Me" and "Bowling for Columbine" and being amazed at Moore's ability to walk the fine line between comedy and disrespect, I was looking forward to seeing his latest film "Fahrenheit 9/11" which is his take on the 2000 election and the post-9/11 world. Unfortunately, in his quest to unseat President Bush, Moore has apparently forgotten what made him a success. F911 is Moore's first movie - his first on-film effort at all, if you include his short-lived TV shows - THAT HAS NOT ONE FUNNY MOMENT IN IT. Instead of using his strengths - making us think, while making us laugh - Moore has simply put down on film every angry, paranoid, or conspiratorial thought that has gone through his head. The film even lacks the signature Michael Moore outrageous comedy stunt. In "Roger and Me", the whole movie was about the stunt - his various attempts to get an interview with the head of GM. In "Bowling for Columbine" the stunt was ingenious - attempting to "return" the bullets used in the Columbine Incident to the KMart from which they were bought... in the bodies of the victims from which they could not be removed. But in F911, the "stunt" was simply an attempt to get Congressmen to sign up their kids for the military. One, it was uninspired. Two, it failed miserably. Most congressmen either would stop to listen and mention that THEY had served in the miliary, or would keep right on going. Nothing funny, nothing even interesting. And of course, none of this reacts to the factual nature of the documentary which has been called into question. Still, stay away from this one unless you want to see what all the fuss was about. In the end, it is simply not a good movie and not even a decent display of Moore's considerable talents.

FahrenHYPE 9/11

Rated: Unrated

After being so disappointed with Michael Moore's F911, I found this DVD at Wal-Mart on sale for cheap and thought it was worth a viewing. It is a documentary response by Dick Morris (yes, the one who used to work for Bill Clinton) to Moore's documentary. Chock full of New York politicians and personalities, it brings into stark contrast the opinion of Moore - who lives in either Flint, Michigan or Hollywood, CA depending on the month, either way a LONG way from any attack sites on 9/11/01 - with those who were in New York City or the Pentagon on the day of the attacks. It also reveals a startling fact about many of the interviews Moore used in his documentary - they were used without permission of those quoted and leave the impression that all of the people are anti-Bush WHEN MOST OF THEM SUPPORT HIM UNRESERVEDLY. The film overall does not bring any major new facts to the table, and mostly focusses on answering some of Moore's claims and exposing his manipulation of some information. For instance, the fact that he displays a headline "Gore Wins Every Recount" in one montage of headlines from the 2000 election debacle in Florida, alongside other reports from the NYTimes, Washington Post, USA Today, and the London Times... but this documentary notes that the article was actually an opinion piece in an obscure Southwestern newspaper... and not even by a reporter or statistician, just by a concerned citizen. This film also has its weaknesses, however, and its most glaring is considerable use of Anne Coulter for comment and analysis. While Ms. Coulter is quite photogenic and makes for good soundbytes, anyone who has read even one of her commentary pieces knows that she is NOT a reporter or dispassionate commentator. She is a highly partisan apologist for the Right Wind of American politics. Interviewing her is like interviewing Michael Moore or Rush Limbaugh. Still, this film is a worthy response to F911 and a viewing of both films would leave a voter far more informed than they were before... although I suspect the humorless F911 combined with the anger in this film, would tend to leave most voters pretty depressed about the state of our political system at the moment.

New Cell Phone/Cancer Study

Interesting and worth reading.

Third Debate: What's Going on Here?

Maybe it's just me, but I'm at a loss when considering that a large majority believe that John Kerry won the final debate last night. Perhaps it's just because the President gave such a weak performance on the first, so no one is giving him credit anymore. But I honestly think that he edged Kerry on the second debate and flat out won on the third. The President was at his absolute best last night, especially near the end. Even the talking heads basically gave him a win. Yet, voters believe that Kerry won by nearly the same margin as he did in the first debate. Something must certainly be wrong, either in the polling process or in the voting population. I'm not sure which it is but it's not good for the President.

13 Ekim 2004 Çarşamba

Tired of Waiting for the Next Debate?

Can't wait for the last Presidential Debate? Or did you miss it and are wishing you had another chance? Well, the New Voters Project has up an online debate between Bush, Kerry, and Nader (yes, Nader, too!) The questions were submitted by youth voters (i.e. 18 to 24) and moderated by a similar team to choose only the most popular ones. Check it out. It is both revealing of the Youth of America, and of the candidates. Of course, this is not a "live" debate so get ready for more polished politico-speak than at the live events. But it is still worth a read.

And I must say that it reminds me again just how radical Ralph Nader is. Wow.

Autumn Is a Great Time of Year in the Northeast

This little piece from Peanuts sums up some of my feelings on this great season.

Is there anything better than feeling a chill wind on your face, and a warm sun on your back? The best of all worlds, as it is.

Kerry: The New Jesus?

At least that's what the ambulance chaser has implied. So let's see, if John Kerry is elected President, then the lame will walk again. I wonder if we'll uncover the truth behind Roswell and JFK? Or maybe, could they get the scanner here at work to actually do what I want when I want it? For that matter, why think small? At what point during the Kerry Presidency will we meet outer-space explorers? And I'd really like a tour of Middle-Earth while we're at it. Yes folks, vote for John Kerry and all your wildest, most implausible dreams can come true! I hear that Edwards is beginning a list of requests to be sent to the Santa Claus...I mean to John Kerry.

Let's Ask Them What They Think of Saddam

Oh wait, we can't ask because they're dead. Another reminder of what an evil nazi our President is for having ousted the butcher from Iraq and letting millions have the chance for a happy, secure life. I wonder if Michael Moore will send a crew over to tape the aftermath of Saddam's handywork. Somehow, I think not.

Congratulations! You've Won the Lottery, Now You're Dead!

The facts differ depeneding on which witness is questioned, so I'll just post the link and point out that I hope he took the lump sum.

Magama Breaks Surface of Mount Saint Helens

Well, the Mt. St. Helens eruptions are now not just steam and ash (which geologists had been hoping would remain all it was, as that would imply all of the quakes were just caused by ground water seepage). Magma has broken the surface and is forming a new lava dome. This means a real explosive eruption of lava is possible, though the fact that magma has escaped indicates that it has found at least one vent, and might keep things from becoming bottled up. Still, I would not recommend taking a hike on that particular mountain this year.

Slashdot's Team America Review

Sigh. I am tired of keeping track of just how much Ward owes me for all of this Team America news posting. I can't wait until the film comes out, so it can close and I can stop reading reviews of the stupid thing. Oh, well. Anyway, Slashdot has up their review of the thing. Long and the short of it? If you like South Park, you'll love it. If you hate South Park, you're better off watching a chick flick or something. Personally, I'll just watch the Star Wars trilogy on DVD again, instead.

12 Ekim 2004 Salı

Paranoia Thy Name Is Minnesota?

It is being reported that Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota is abandoning his Capitol Hill office in fear of a potential pre-election terrorist attack on Washington D.C. He has relocated his staff to elsewhere in Washington and is justifying the move by citing a "classified report" that no one else is allowed to see. Is this a sign of paranoia? Is it a political stunt to get the democratic senator some attention in this political season. Or, as I am guessing, is this really a setup for a John Kerry debate point tomorrow night: "Mr. President, How can you say the Iraq War has made us safer, if Congressmen are fleeing the capital in panic?"

MacOS X on your PC?

MacWorld has up an article on a new product called "Cherry OS" which emulates Apple hardware on Wintel hardware. They claim an 80% speed on Wintel hardware, which is pretty close to what VirtualPC does on a Mac. The home server is being slammed right now by a Slashdotting, so be patient. But this could be an interesting way to entice Windows Slaves into becoming switchers.

Say What?!?

It's being reported that nuclear materials have disappeared from Iraq. Now that's just plain odd. I would hope that our forces have these locations under better guard then to let insurgents in to take the parts. But this raises another question that confounds my feeble mind. Consider this from the piece,
In the letter, IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei said that though some radioactive equipment taken from Iraq after the war began has shown up in other countries, none of the high-quality, dual-use equipment or materials that is missing has been found.
Now, if Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, and no means to create them, where did this material and these missle components come from? Maybe I'm just stupid, but that doesn't add up.

A Great Week for the WOT

Reynolds picks up where the media won't. With the elections in Australia and especially in Afganistan, the WOT recieved a major boost this week. Of course, the press won't touch it since it's not bad news for the administration. Instead, they focus soley on Iraq. We need to focus on that country for sure, but it's pretty clear that the media is not hovering over it out of some sense of duty for their country, but rather a sense of duty to make the situation look as bad as possible. Whatever the nay-sayers might claim, this has been a great week for the WOT. Sure, there have been mistakes, but it's time to be greatful for what has been accomplished. The Afgan people seem to be thankful, and that's a good sign in my book.

Mahdi Army Begins Surrendering Arms

Remember, back when the IRA was asked to surrender its arms for the peace agreements, and they proudly refused? Those terrorists wanted to keep the option of killing more innocents if it suited their needs. Well, contrast that with the alleged "miserable failure" of Iraq where Muqtada al-Sadr's army has begun surrendering their weapons! We don't want to make too much of this, it was only a few thousand weapons and the IRaqi army's promise to pay for the weapons has not yet come thru. But still, it is a sign that the Iraqi insurgents are actually willing to consider peace, and want a political solution.

Compare that to the Iraq John Kerry talks about in his speeches and debates. Let's be honest, any job always works hardest just before delivery. With the first elections in January, perhaps it really is just before the dawn of freedom.

11 Ekim 2004 Pazartesi

Coffee Addiction Is Real!

My brother, CRChair, recommended that I post this article on Mod-Blog. I never drink coffee - I hate hot drinks, personally - but I know many folks who can not survive an hour without a cup of joe, and most often a cup of Starbucks sludge.

But Starbucks may be luckier than the cigarette makers. It is in the happy position of marketing coffee, a substance that, unlike gasoline, is physically addictive, and that, unlike tobacco, governments don't want to regulate.

So the next time you feel the urge to curse out a cigarette smoker (no, I don't smoke or swear... man, am I boring!) put down the cup of high-octane cafe.

The VP, Iraq, and OBL

The Democrats decided to start up one of their oldest tricks after the VP debate this past week. We were forced to again here about Cheney's "absurd" stance that Iraq did support terror networks including OBL. And we've had to hear about how Cheney has flip-flopped around about the issue, saying it one day and denying it the next. This is really frustrating to me, since a junior high student should be able to figure this out with little effort. But, for the sake of argument, I've decided to lay out exactly what Cheney has said and what has been said that he said. I hope that by the end of this little exercise, even those who impaired by stupidity will understand this simple issue.

What the Democrats say Cheney has said:
"There is a direct connection between Iraq and 9/11."
So there's only one problem in that statement. That problem is that the VP has never said this. So what has Dick Cheney said concerning Iraq and OBL?
"His regime has had high-level contacts with al Qaida going back a decade and has provided training to al Qaida terrorists." - Cheney, 12/2/02

"His regime aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaida. He could decide secretly to provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorists for use against us." - Cheney, 1/30/03

"I think there's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between al Qaida and the Iraqi government." - Cheney, 1/22/04

"There's been enormous confusion over the Iraq and al-Qaida connection, Gloria. First of all, on the question of - of whether or not there was any kind of a relationship, there was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming. It goes back to the early '90s...There's clearly been a relationship." - Cheney, 6/17/04

"...there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaida that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s, that it involved training, for example, on [biological weapons] and [chemical weapons], that Al Qaida sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems that are involved. The Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the Al Qaida organization." - Cheney, 9/14/03
These are the quotes that you will find again and again and again and again on every Democratic website. Cheney has clearly said that he believes there to have been a relation between Iraq and OBL. There can be no doubt about this. Yet, all of these web-crawling hunters can't find one single quote from the VP saying that Iraq was responsible for 9/11. He's certainly implied that their harboring of terrorists made it possible. But that's hard to disagree with.

So, we have a VP who clearly sees a connection between terror and Saddam. Then, when reports come out showing that Saddam didn't have anything to do with 9/11 (Duh! It was the Zionist! Or maybe it was the CIA!), the liberals cry about how Cheney misled the nation into believing that Saddam had something to do with the attacks. Cheney promptly rejects such stupid claims and the left replies "See, he's lying! He said that Saddam and 9/11 are connected!" Meanwhile, the press sits with their thumbs up their butts and mindlessly quotes the lunatic garbage coming from the left.

So, let's recap. Cheney says that Iraq sponsored terrorism, makes no claim of 9/11 involvement. The left says that Cheney claims 9/11 involvement as reason to go to war against Iraq. Cheney argues that he did not say that Iraq was involved with 9/11 but instead was involved with OBL and his people. The left says that Cheney is lying now and attempts to use his own words against him only those words aren't there so they have nothing. They conclude that Cheney obviously believes what they say that he does, because they're always right. Therefore, Cheney did say that Iraq was directly responsible for 9/11 and believed it until the brave left make him recant of his evil ways. The press refuses to confront the issue, as usual, because they're too busy buying faked documents from a mentally imbalanced Texan (No, not the President!)

And there you go! Fodder for the campaign. You've gotta love an election year, especially one in which one side has realized just how sad and broken their agenda is.

Star Wars Ep 3 Trailer Description

This is too cool. Argh! The pain of waiting is unedurable!!!

Mr. Lucas, If you are reading this. [Waves hand.] You will release Episode 3 early. [Waves hand.] You will send me a DVD of it before it releases in the theaters. [Waves hand.] You WILL consider making the sequel trilogy. [Sound of blasters and a terrified BLog poster running for the hills.]

Afghan Elections a Success!

Despite early charges from candidates who expected to lose that the Afghan election was rigged, international observers have now certified that it is valid and that things were done fairly well for a nations first ever democratic election. For those who missed the "excitement" over the weekend, rivals to much-favored Hamid Karzai charged fraud when it was revealed that the "high tech" (sarcasm intended) indelible ink used to mark the fingers of voters (so they could not vote twice) could be washed off in some cases. The candidates had let it be known ahead of time they planned to challenge any result in which they did not win, but seized upon the ink as a good excuse to formalize the protests. But now, many have dropped the charges in light of international observers conclusions, and the fact that Mr. Karzai appears willing to share power in any case. This is good news for Afghanistan, good news for the War on Terror, and good news for President Bush.

And before you roll your eyes about the backwardness of these polls, keep in mind that Jimmy Carter has already pledged to challenge any result in Florida which does not show John Kerry as the winner. Sometimes Democracy (or even Representative Republic) is messy.

Fun With DU!

As a public service and for a little fun, I've decided to start an occasional new segment dealing with the idiots over at Dumbacratic Underground. This week, conspiracy theories about Christopher Reeve pulled from here (Names have been erased to protect the stupid):

Isn't it strange that Christopher Reeve die days after he is mentioned in the Debate as a candidate for Stem Cell Research benefits? I am not trying to tread on any sacred ground here but there are too many coincidental happenings like this that scare the hell out of me. Kerry mentions Reeve on Friday and he is dead by Monday, Coincidence?

Who the **** knows with the GD nazis we have in power now? "He developed heart problems as a result of a medical condition for which he was being treated at Northern Westchester Hospital. He lapsed into a coma and passed away with his wife and other close family members at his side." I firmly believe that the PNAC would kill anyone that stands in their way. That said, it was probably natural causes, unless, of course, the PNAC murdered him. Straussian philosophy - global death through psychopathy. We have to face the facts - the PNAC would kill their crippled little sister for a cigarette.

I sure wouldn't want to be mentioned by Kerry in the next debate, and nor would anyone else. Conspiracy theories are often bull, but what about Kelly, that weapons inspector who 'cut his wrists'? Is that also coincidence? We're having a lot of coincidences here. I wonder if Kerry is 'having suicidal thoughts' too? Man, if there was ever someone who I'd recommnend a bullet-proof body armor to, it's him and Edwards.

There you have it! The inner workings of the liberal mind. This has been a public service to remind you to vote and keep your tin-foil hats handy!

Australians Vote

Australians have voted overwhelmingly to keep Prime Minister Howard as their leader despite opposition to the Iraqi invasion. Not only did he and his party not lose, but they gained in almost every measurable way. I'm sure that the President is happy to see at least one ally not fall because of this war on terror.

Thoughts on the 2nd Debate

It was much improved from the first. Neither man did anything to damage his campaign but I felt that the President did come out a bit ahead, if for no other reason than that he was so much better than the first debate. He was stronger, thinking of his feet, and on the offense a fair amount. My fiancee, a soft Bush supporter, told me right after the debate that she was very impressed with Bush's performance and that tends to have been the story among women. The President needs those votes, so that can't be a bad thing. Kerry claimed victory but it's hard to imagine anyone but the most die-hard liberal really seeing a win here. This one was a draw with the President edging a little bit. At least it was good enough that it should attract people to the finally debate.

10 Ekim 2004 Pazar

Want to Know the Mind of an Undecided Voter?

If you are like most of us who actually pay attention to politics, you are increasingly wonder how someone could be an undecided voter in this election. The candidates have not been more different in the 20+ years I have been voting, and their styles are night and day (or would that just be Texas and New England?). Well, this article gives some insight (even though the title foolishly claims they go for Kerry, when it is split pretty much 33/33/33 between Bush, Kery, and the shark from Jaws).

The most revealing bit of text? "Hazel Hunter, 64, Milford, Realtor, registered Democrat: If election held today, would vote for: Unsure. 'I really didn't even feel like voting for anyone.'" In other words, the reason they're undecided is because they (1) don't care and (2) feel insufficiently entertained by the process.

9 Ekim 2004 Cumartesi

Third Party Update: Presidential Candidates Arrested

If you have decided that neither George W "Tastes Great" Bush, nor John F. "Less Filling" Kerry is your man this year, don't forget to check out the many third-party candidates running for office this year.

And in case you thought third parties were never a place of real excitement, apparently the Green and Libertarian party candidates were arrested last night at the site of the Presidential Debates. They intended to serve a "Show Cause" order to protest their exclusion from the debates. Apparently, Ralph Nader was either more secure in his candidacy, or had just turned in early last night.

While I think this kind of political theater is more silly than helpful, it should be noted that all debates we see are now run by the CPD which was formed by the two major parties and is run by well-known partisans of the GOP and DNC. Many feel that this organization was formed simply to keep out third-party candiates.

If You Missed the Debate...

...the Comission on Presidential Debates has up transcripts. Both from last night's debate as well as from all previous debates including those with Al Gore in the last go-around and all presidential debates back to 1960! This could be a very good historical resource, as well as way to catch up if you happened to sleep thru a debate by accident.

8 Ekim 2004 Cuma

Instant Presidential Debate 2 Reaction

Style: Bush was aggressive and certain. Kerry was angry and uncertain.

Substance: Bush strongly defended his positions and made significant gains on Kerry. His lowest point was the "Name 3 Mistakes" question - he would not name one - but the question itself was in the same grain as "When did you stop beating your wife." Kerry worked hard to keep up with the new Bush attacks, but made good points. We have made a lot of fun of this man for his "nuances" but he did a decent job of showing both sides of an issue.

Presidential: In Primary Colors (book) it was said the man who wins a Presidential debate is the one who looks most presidential. Bush looked like a president and a leader. Kerry looked like a strong defender, who could well be a statesman.

Moderator: Wow, was Charlie Gibson bad. I am sure that he had a prompter in his ear, and I hope his producer reminded him occasionally that this was a debate and not an interview. Several times, he took control of the debate over not rules, but his own opinions. If this man is allowed to moderate again, the Comission on Presidental Debates is insane.

Overall: Good for both debaters, better for Bush. Bad for the moderator, and a few of the questioners who seemed, uh, let's just say less than presidential.

Woo-hoo! Goood Vocabulary at the Presidential Debate!

President Bush just used the word "Facile" in a sentence! That is reason enough to elect the man!

Facile: adj.
  1. Done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy. See Synonyms at easy.
  2. Working, acting, or speaking with effortless ease and fluency.
  3. Arrived at without due care, effort, or examination; superficial: proposed a facile solution to a complex problem.
  4. Readily manifested, together with an aura of insincerity and lack of depth: a facile slogan devised by politicians.
  5. Archaic. Pleasingly mild, as in disposition or manner.

Update 3:24 on 10/9

For those who missed this wonderful word, here it is in context thanks to the Commission on Presidential Debates website:

Bush is answering the question on the draft, and starts talking about the "New Army"

"...For instance, we're flying unmanned vehicles that can send real- time messages back to stations in the United States. That saves manpower, and it saves equipment.

It also means that we can target things easier and move more quickly, which means we need to be lighter and quicker and more facile and highly trained.

Now, forget all this talk about a draft. We're not going to have a draft so long as I am the president."

Team America Recieves Its First Blowback

The Drudge Report has up a memo from Sean Penn to the Team America makers, reaming them out for discouraging people from voting. Is this just the petulant screams of a childish actor, or is this instead an insightful criticism and the start of a flood of criticism from those attacked in the film? I suspect Michael Moore will not stay quiet (but then when does he ever stay quiet?) And I suspect the others will be screaming abotu and picketing this film. But then, picketing almost always seems to increase ticket sales. Hmmmm...

Personally, I don't plan to see this film anyway. But then I know I am not in it.

Warning!!! This memo includes some profanity. Sensitive hearts should steer clear.

New Parody Song Posted by JibJab

JibJab has out a new parody song called "It's Great to Be in D.C." sung to the tune of "Dixie." Very funny and equal opportunity mockers, as always. And for once, we need not worry about their server melting down, as they came to the party prepared this time. But then, if you have a dial-up connection, you may wish to hold off until you can steal a little broadband power - or YOU may melt down!!! (i.e. Lots of bandwidth needed.)

Shut Up and Play!

I've long said that everyone has the right to their opinions. But if someone pays to hear your music, you should deliver that and shut up with politics. It doesn't make you more politically smart just because you can play a guitar, so shut it. Thankfully, there is some evidence that young people are getting tired of it too. I don't think we need to boycott stars who express political views, but I do think that people need to express their displeasure when they pay good money for entertainment and have to listen to ill-informed political rants.


Somebody just put me out of my misery already! Pocketgate was dumb enough but now the left is having its turn. Can this election be over soon enough? I'm so tired of having to hear this garbage, let's just move the election up a month and finish it.

Oops. That There Poster Is Not Real

Well, it still looks really cool. Kudos to whoever mocked it up on photoshop. It is worthy of being the poster for Ep 3. Still, I can't leave our readers in the dark. Sigh.

7 Ekim 2004 Perşembe

Episode III: One Sheet Wonder

Wow. I am not sure I can wait until 2005 for this thing.

Many folks have been disappointed with Eps 1 and 2. Personally, I still am a major Star Wars fan, Any Episode. Though, I will admit the "Yipee!" from "little Annie" bugs me.

Edwards Spins A Tale of Crazy Uncle George

Today, John Edwards charged that President Bush is "in denial about everything" and has started speaking about him the way he might a poor old alcoholic uncle who might claim "I can stop drinking anytime I want to (hic)." No doubt this is part of a new strategy to subtly turn the public's positive views of President Bush into a negative for the campaign. "It is okay to like Crazy Uncle Bush," The spin will be, "Just don't put him in charge of the country."

Thing is, this is disingenuous beyond words and perhaps the most insulting attack to both the president and the intelligence of the average American. If you look at the state of things on the ground in Iraq and see a rosy outcome, what are really the options? If you are of the opinion that the war is wrong and that War itself is fundamentally disastrous (which Kerry who has become close to a pacifist in the last 30 years probably does) then it makes sense to assume that the viewer is delusional. But there is another answer, and that answer is the one which history bears out. When Winston Churchhill looked at the Nazi war machine threatening to overrun Europe, he saw what appeared to overwhelming odds and yet he committed England to World War II. Why? Because he was *DELUSIONAL*? NO! Because he had *VISION*! He knew doing the right thing was righjt even against overwhelming odds.

When Kerry begins the attack tomorrow at the debate, this is how Bush must respond. Every time Kerry tries to make GWB look like "Crazy Uncle George," GWB must turn and show him Winston Churchhill's face. It will then show that GWB is not the crazy one, but rather John Kerry for calling "strong leadership" a sign of "delusion."

You Could Cut the Desperation with a Knife

That's how desperate the lunatic left has grown in recent weeks. Take, for example, this post at DU. They are so proud of the fact that they've tipped online polls to the point of inaccuracy. Now tell me, how pathetic is this? They're so insecure about what other people think that they have to screw up online polls that don't even matter, just so that the numbers will say they won? The left in this country has truly hit rock bottom and it's a dark, stinky place. I can only hope and pray that the liberals will get their acts together after they throw this election away. It's not good for our country for one group to be in control of everything. We need some balance, but I don't see it coming until the left stops acting like a middle-school kid with ADHD. Come on people, is this really the best you have to offer?

More European Interference

I can feel it already, the left in this country just can't wait to tear apart the election process this year. They hope that enough confusion and controversy will force their opponents to give up. They tried it in 2000 (even though every independent report says President Bush won Florida) and it's hard to see this international monitoring as anything but an attempt to cast doubt on the election process before we vote.

On eVoting and the Quality of our Presidential Candidates

It's funny, because it's true. May the candidates prove me wrong at Friday's debate.

6 Ekim 2004 Çarşamba

Afghan Election: Proof of Success in the War on Terror?

William Safire asks whether we are focussed on the wrong side of the Afghanistan Elections.

Too much world media coverage will focus on pictures of violence at polling places, not on the big news: lines of courageous Afghans patiently waiting to vote. Tinhorn despots are passing out leaflets in refugee camps promising divine rewards to anyone who kills a poll worker...Such terrorist acts by die-hard Taliban insurgents may be excitingly pictorial, but images of Muslims, especially women, voting for the first time - and of candidates for office literally taking their lives in their hands to campaign - are deemed not sufficiently mesmerizing...Another reason to downplay or dismiss Election Day in Afghanistan is that it is clearly good news for America and its allies, who are directly responsible for this outbreak of freedom in a Muslim land.

The same can well be said for Iraq. It makes you wonder what Germany would be like today if Truman's had been forced to run against a Senator who called the occupation a "miserable failure."

Satellite Radio Tidal Wave - Stern to Sirius

Long-time readers are aware that I am an XM Radio subscriber and a great fan of this service. Satellite radio is a great tool for bringing high-quality music and talk to users. It is especially good for Christian Music in our area, as there as no good stations in our part of CT, despite the fact that we get the overflow of AM and FM from New York City. Well, the big news for Satellite Radio in general, and Sirius (the other white meat) in particular is that Howard Stern has signed an exclusive deal to broadcast on only satelite radio starting in 2006. This means any Stern-ites (or whatever you call the folks who like his profane show) have to get Sirius radios to listen starting in a little over 1 year.

Is this the first big change presaging the rise of a new broadcast format? Or is it a sign that Stern is on the way out? I am hoping it is the former, but only if this means Sirius will be the MTV of Satellite Radio, so XM can be the family-friendly alernative.


Apparently, the President was rather upset at his prep handlers after the first debate and demanded a switch up in style. I hope it works on Friday. But for now I'm contented with having just listened to the President at Wilkes Barre, PA in what might be his best speech ever. I was doing homework so I couldn't take many notes, alas, and there is no transcript up yet either. But as soon as one comes up (hopefully a full video or audio track) I will comment further. But for now I will have to just say that in general, he nailed John Kerry to the wall, actually and finally defended his position and the invasion of Iraq, and came across as more Presidential then I have seen him since the first UN speech prior to the invasion of Iraq. In short, I actually felt pride to support the President for re-election for the first time in a couple of months, and I just hope that more people get to see the speech.


The joys of the web! The Washington Post has a transcript up already.