9 Şubat 2009 Pazartesi

Catholic Church tries indulgences...again

There are lots of things about the Roman Catholic church that confound me.  The logic behind the significance of the Bishop of Rome (the Pope), the multiple levels of bureaucracy, etc...  But even with that, I find them to be largely fine and on the right track.  Every now and then they do something that can only be described as stupid.  Recently the payment of indulgences has become allowable again.  If you remember your European or Church history, you'll remember that indulgences were a significant issue in the coming of the German Reformation and Martin Luther.  As a Protestant, I find them abhorrent - no matter how many conditions you place on them.  The idea that you can in any way purchase salvation is unbiblical not to mention unchristian.  I can't believe they're trying this tired old thing again.  I can't see it actually helping their stock among the Protestants an Orthodox churches either.

5 yorum:

  1. May I say...I just don't get it.

  2. My guess is this is intended as a thumb in the eye of Protestants, and an attempt to kill any imagined reunification movement. This Pope wants to remind the church that his Church is the top one.

  3. This pope wants to remind the church that his church is the wrong one.

  4. honestly i think that this has to do with dollars in the plate more than anything theological. the catholic church is actually shrinking - particularly in the affluent west. this is just another way for them to take advantage of 'catholic guilt' and gain the ability to pay their clergy (and lawyer bills).

  5. But the new rules specifically ban the selling of indulgences for money. They can only be "bought" with good works.

    Unless you mean the opportunity will bring in more butts to the pews, where money will be given.
