The state of Missouri is facing an interesting vote in a couple of weeks. The first is a vote on whether or not to allow any kind of stem cell research. Secondly they get to vote on which person they want to represent them in the Senate - the Democrat that supports all stem cell research and the Republican that is following the party line (which is far too long to explain here). As you might have guessed, any time there is a debate on stem cell research Michael J. Fox has found his way into it. In a very pointed commercial he spews his typical "stem cells can fix anything" line. Hollywood has fallen in line with Michael J. Fox, with the exception of Patricia Heaton (Ray's wife on Everybody Loves Raymond). She, along with several Missouri sports stars and Jim Caviezel (Jesus from The Passion of the Christ) have come out with a commercial that disputes the claims of MJF. It is nice to see some part of Hollywood thinking.
Sports stars tend to have a bye on political stuff, but in Hollywood coming out against stem cell research is like saying George W. Bush is human or the sky is falling. People in Hollywood tend to hold grudges in an odd way and I wonder how this will affect Heaton's career (Caviezel has already been pegged as a religious zealot so his career has already been restricted and this is not going to affect him the same way). She's a good actress - having won at least one Emmy for her work on Raymond - so it would make sense for her to continue getting work. But I wonder if the lefties out there are going to stop hiring her for saying they're wrong. This will be interesting to watch - are they as open minded as they say they are (of course not, but it'll still be fun).
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