9 Haziran 2005 Perşembe

How did Jesus die?

Simple, Jesus died on the cross. No, no, no not where did he die - how did he die? Oh, that makes a difference? Well, yes if you're a scientist and you have to over analyze everything. It seems that a researcher has come up with the theory that Jesus died of a deep vein thrombosis. I like scientists, for the most part they're good people, but sometimes it seems like they miss the point completely. Granted theologians could be accused of this as often - if not more often - than scientists. I understand the curiosity surrounding the physiological reasons for Jesus' death, but it seems like a waste of time that can't actually be verified. Wouldn't it be a better use of time and money to research something of use to society rather than speculate on the exact reasons for Jesus' death? Maybe I'm just too spiritually minded to be any earthly good.

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