20 Haziran 2009 Cumartesi

Happy Father's Day

We here at Mod-Blog want to wish the many fathers (and fathers-to-be) who post or comment here a VERY happy Father's Day. May today be a truly special celebration of all the hard work you do and all you sacrifice to make your family's lives better.
New Years 2009 Trip Riding by the Stratford Shore with the Bowhunters (6/7/2009) - 24
Dinner at Nick and Nora's with Patrick, Mandy, and Baby C GNO with Danny Getz (5/19/2009)

(Apologies to others who should be pictures, but aren't. There is only room for so many.)

2 yorum:

  1. I love all of you pictured, and many who are not. And you are all good dads. (OK. One WILL be a good dad!)

    Happy Fathers Day!!!

  2. I'll try not to hate you too much for leaving me out.
