Okay, I have been consciously NOT posting about this, because I think most of the debate about this thing degenerates very quickly into shouts of "Heathen" and "Anti-Science Bigot". But I am curious what our Mod-Blog audience thinks of the Creation Museum in Kuntucky? It is an attempt by Creationists to put forth a museum which reflects their views, and which takes on the theory of Evolution head-on. It has been praised by many, and ridiculed by many, many, many more.
My own view of Evolution? I am undecided on the question of Macro-Evolution. (For those not aware, Darwins theory is divided into two parts - Micro-Evolution which explains how in a coal-dust-covered forest black moths survive and white moths die, so you get more black moths in the next generation, and Macro-Evolution which explains how a fish becomes an amphian becames a reptile becomes a mammal. Micro-evolution is experimentally verifiable, and even seen in human breed experiments of dogs and horses and the like. Macro-evoltuion is experimentally UNverifiable, and the evidence for it is essentially the fossil record.) However, I do not believe the question of your salvation rests upon your view of speciation, but rather your view of Jesus Christ. So, I am fine with Christians who go either Young Earth Creationism or Old Earth Evolutionary Theory (so long as God is in there somewhere).
That being said, I do not see the Creation Museum as doing a lot for Creationists out there. I have not been there, but the pictures posted by those who have do not so much show a careful display that Darwinian Evolution is not the only way to view things, but rather that Young Earth Creationism (i.e. world is 6,000 years old) is the only proper way. The production values seem high, but the actual addressing of issues seems low. Seems like a Museum should have a lot more careful science, and a lot less dinosaurs with saddles on them.
So what do you think? Is the Creation Museum a much-needed breath of fresh air, or the folly of Bible-thumpers unwilling to compromise on non-essentials? Have any of our readers actually been there, and perhaps have a less jaded view than the media has made available?
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