This shame has lead to the natural question of who must be the figurehead to be punished as a sign of our repentance. Should President Bush resign? No, certainly not. But many are calling for the head of Donald Rumsfeld. But William Safire - a conservative who has not been very friendly to the present adminstration - says no:
The secretary testified that he was, incredibly, the last to see the humiliating photos that turned a damning army critique by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba into a media firestorm. Why nobody searched out and showed him those incendiary pictures immediately reveals sheer stupidity on the part of the command structure and his Pentagon staff...This was scandal with no cover-up; the wheels of investigation and prosecution were grinding, with public exposure certain. Second only to the failure to prevent torture was the Pentagon's failure to be first to break the bad news: the Taguba report should have been released at a Rumsfeld press conference months ago.
While I am uncertain as to the exact right move here, I tend to agree with Mr. Safire. The resignation of Rumsfeld as punishment for Abu Ghraib would be like cutting off the hand of your child, because his dog stole a bone from the local butcher. The boy is responsible to a point, but it is the dog who did the crime and the punishment itself is out of proportion to the child's wrongdoing. Rumsfeld deserves the current public humiliation he is recieving - it is just punishment - and the commander over that prison should be at least drummed out of the army if not formally put through a court martial. But going further is going too far... unless there is more that we do not know, which needs to be brought before the "jury" for a proper verdict.
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